Chapter 18: Meeting Her Family

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Chapter 18:

Hyoyeon was running to Jessica's Apartment to bring Yuri food to eat from Sooyoung.

Yuri has been locking Himself inside the Apartment for the past few days. He wouldn't go to work nor eat, He didn't want to talk to any of them. He only want Jessica.

He doesn't understand exactly why Jessica left, but Nicole told Him that Jessica go with Dong Wook for Business purposes but the reason why She didn't tell Yuri about it is uncertain.

He knock on the door and expectedly no one answered. He usually go there with Nicole, but now that His Girlfriend is busy with the Company, Nicole can't go out of the office just like that.

Nicole has been staying in His house for almost two weeks already that's why Yuri is the only one who has access in the Apartment.

He took His phone out and called His Girlfriend. "Yes, Babe?"

"Babe, What's the Passcode of Jessica's Apartment? Yuri wouldn't open the Door." He explained.

"Krystal's Birthday." He punched the Date but it was declined.

"No, Nic it's not."

"What? That's the only passcode I know, maybe Yuri Oppa changed it."

"This Asshole inside this apartment is crazy."

"Don't say that, Babe."

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried."

"Try different combinations, Babe."

"Okay, I'll call later. I love you. Bye."

"I love you too.." He hang up. He tried different codes. Like Nicole's birthday, Tiffany's, Jessica's and even Yuri's but it's not working. He then remembered his Smart sister - Seohyun, maybe She can help.

After a few rings She answered. "Hello,Oppa?"

"Seobaby, where are You?"

"I'm in School, we're having Our break. Why, Oppa, is anything wrong?"

"Um well, Your Yuri Oppa locked Himself inside Jessica's apartment, I think He changed the code I can't open it. Can You help Me?"

"But it's rude to just barge in without consent, Oppa."

"But Yuri is in trouble, He might kill Himself inside."

"Omo! Okay then, did You try the original code?"

"Yes, Krystal's birthday. I already tried all of the birthdays but nothing."

"Um. Yuri Oppa's birthdate is five isn't it?" She asked. Hyoyeon hummed in response. "Jessica Unnie's birthdate is eighteen and Krystal's is twenty six. Try the combination of five, eighteen and twenty six."

"There's only four combination."

"Try to one, eight, zero and five."

"No it's not."

"Hmm. Then two, six, one, eight. Or one, two, six, eight. just jumble all the numbers." He tried to do what His sister gave him then was surprised as the door got unlock.

"Thanks, Seo.. You're always a big help. Study hard, Baby."

"Okay Oppa. Say Hi to Yuri Oppa from Me! Bye!" Her Sister hang up.

He slowly went inside the Apartment to look for Yuri. He's not in the living room, nor in the Kitchen. He walked to Jessica's Bedroom and knock.

"Yul! I brought You food, come on, let's eat." He shouted. He tried to turn the knob if it's lock. But it's not. He nervously opened it wide.

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