Chapter 81: Celebrate

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Hope you guys like it!!😉

Chapter 81:

Jessica is in the office, she's busy talking and inquiring, she has been stress thinking of the things she would do on Yuri's birthday.

It's been a month after Hyonic's Wedding, everyone went back home. Even Krystal went home to the Hwang Mansion. And about Juran, they didn't heard anything about her after their last encounter that made the couple really happy.

"Ms. Jung.. Mr. Kwon called, he told me to ask you if you're going to their building later." Her Secretary told her.

Jessica sighed at the thought of her husband, Yuri isn't talking to her for two days now, they argue three nights ago because of her broken promises to him to go home early for a date but she would always go home late because she's always busy going somewhere to check and look for some places they could go for his birthday.

"I'll call him." She said and the secretary nodded and went out.

She took her phone out and called her husband but he's not picking up. She called him again and after few rings he answered.

"Hello?" He said with his unusual gloomy tone.

She pouted, he's still mad at her. They didn't even talk during breakfast and he didn't call her during the day.

"Yul.. i miss you." She said.

She heard him sigh. "Are you coming here later?" He asked.

"I have a meeting then I'll go somewhere after baby.. i'll be home later tonight." She said, she'll go to the place she chose to personally set up everything.

"Whatever." He answered and hang up.

Jessica throw her pen in frustration. She can't tell him about the surprise but with him not talking to her makes her really frustrated.

She compose a message on her phone and will send it to Him.

To: KkabSeobang❤️:

"Yul, don't be mad at me, I miss you and the kids. I love you!"

She sent it then continued working. After a few minutes her phone beep. She smiled and got excited seeing Yuri replied.

From: KkabSeobang❤️:

"I love you too."

Such a short reply but it made her heart explode in happiness. She messaged him again then happily called for her secretary.

"Yes Miss Jung?"

"You'll go with me later." She said and smiled widely.

IU nodded though she's baffled to her Boss' moods.


Yuri was staring at his phone, he received a text message from his wife.

From: My Lovely Wife:

"This is the last time I promise, i'll make it up to you! I love you so much baby."

He let out a long sigh and put the phone down, he put his hands on his face. Jessica is driving him crazy.

He only want them to have a dinner but Jessica is too busy to even go home early, she promised him that they will have a date few nights ago but she went home almost midnight, Yuri was waiting on the balcony with all the romantic set up he arranged for them.

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