Chapter 78: Hyonic's Wedding

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Please do enjoy this update!!

Chapter 78:

Everyone in Jung Mansion is getting ready, it's D-Day for Hyoyeon to propose and surprise his girlfriend for a wedding.

"Did you call the kids?" Nicole's mother asked Mommy Hwang.

"I did! They just woke up." Mommy Hwang answered.

"Oh Gosh! They need to get here! The kids are getting bored and looking for their parents." Mommy Jung said.

Everyone except Hyonic should go to the beach now, but the four couples are yet to arrive.

"I know! But we have to keep cool."

While the elders were in a rush, the kids kept looking for their parents. Of course they missed them a lot. They're still babies and they need their parents to live.

"Mamamamamama." Daehan kept chanting while walking around the living room with his gray suit for the wedding.

"Your parents are probably still sleeping Daehanie." Seohyun said while brushing Irene's hair.

"Yeah! I'm guessing your mom slept late since it's hard to put your Dad to sleep." Yoong said that made his younger cousin laugh. He is trying to stop Manse from crying.

"Oppa is so funny." Nayoung commented.

"Dada." Minguk squealed and clap his hands. Manse heard it and wiggled out of Yoong's hold.

He went to where his brother is and look at it. He smiled seeing his Daddy on the small screen. "Dada.. kyaaakk!!" He giggled and put his hand in his mouth.

Kyuhyun was showing them Yuri's movie scenes on his phone. It helps them make the kids stop crying even Irene and Sulli stop crying seeing Yuri on the screen.

"They missed their parents so much." Kyuhyun said patting the two boys' heads.


Meanwhile some of the Couples who were so tired last night are still on their dreamland.

The other couples were preparing to go back to Jung Mansion. Nicole was sitting on the chair in the dining area.

"I'm still sleepy!" She whined, they slept late last night because of the extreme activity they did. Hyoyeon put the foods on the table and leaned down to kiss her.

He's so excited for this day, and his girlfriend don't have any idea of what's gonna happen.

"You were great last night Hon, as always." Hyoyeon whispered and sat next to her.

Nicole smiled mockingly. "How could you say i'm great when you didn't even let me do my thing last night?" She asked then rolled her eyes.

Hyoyeon hugged her sideways then kissed her cheek. "Whatever it is. You're still great for me." He said then stood up. "I'll just call the other kids, we need to go in an hour." He said and walked upstairs.

Nicole just shrugged, she thought that there will be a family get together on the beach. Like a family reunion as what their grandparents told them.

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