Chapter 67: Back to Work

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Here's an update!!

Chapter 67:

Taeny's Home:

The Couple were having breakfast silently, Tiffany is still mad at Taeyeon because of the drinking sessions he had with Yuri.

She has been sleeping in their Daughter's room for the past three days and not talking to him.

Taeyeon would always bring her flowers and foods every time he goes home from work but Tiffany don't like it. He also bought her lots of pink stuffs to make her happy but Tiffany is still mad.

"Mushroom.. I will bring you and Irene out tomorrow." He told her.

Tiffany just shrugged. She's mad because her husband don't know how to coax her.

"Bring Irene with you today. I'm going somewhere." She said.

Taeyeon look at her and creased his brows. "But baby, i have lots of meetings today." He said. "Just stay here, no one will look after you if you go out alone. Something might happen."

"How can you say something might happen? I need to go out too. I can't stay in this house forever!" She said. Irene was playing with her food and didn't give a damn about what her parents are talking about.

"Okay, but please just bring Irene with you.. she also needs to go out." He sighed.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Have at least a little concern for your wife! I can't take two babies everywhere!" She shouted.

He sighed. His patience is getting short but he's at fault why she's acting this way.  "Where are you going anyway? Irene is well behaved, just bring her with you." Tiffany then take her phone and dialed someone. "Who are you calling?" Taeyeon asked and feed Irene.

"I'm calling Yuri. At least Yul is fine taking care of four kids, unlike you! You only have one kid yet you're complaining!" She continued shouting. She's been like this for three days and Taeyeon can't control her moods.

He tried to ask Jessica's help but the blonde is busy looking for some people to hire.

"I'm not complaining Pany-ah! Irene is my daughter. I will never complain. I'm just trying to tell you that.." He wasn't able to finish his words because Tiffany talked.

"Hello Yul!" Tiffany greeted and put it on a loud speaker for her husband to hear.

"Yes Pany pany Tiffany!" Yuri greeted. They could hear the kids' voice as well as Jessica's.

"Yul.. can you take Irene in the Office with you?" She asked nicely. Taeyeon was trying to get her phone but she's holding it tightly.

"Um. Why? Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

"Yes Yul! I need some time to go out and I can't bring Her. It will be hard for a pregnant like me." She said with a baby voice that will make him say yes.

"Um.. Okay.. please bring her here and her bags." He said.

"Really? Thank you Yul! You really are the best!" She cheerfully said.

"No problem! It's our Little Irene!!" He said. Tiffany bid goodbye and hang up.

She turned to her Daughter and talked to her. "Hyunie.. you'll be with Papa Yul today Okay? Mommy will bring you to playground tomorrow." She told her kid.

Irene just clap her hands. Taeyeon sighed and shake his head. "I'll take her to the office." He said.

"No need! Yul is there for my baby." She said and stood up bringing Irene with her.

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