Chapter 72: Reunion in San Francisco

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Here's another chappie!!

Chapter 72:

The whole group except for Taeny Couple is in San Francisco with the elders, They arrived last night. The Taeny Couple who extended their date will arrive today.

They stayed in Hwang Mansion while the elders were in the Jung Mansion. The other visitors will arrive later today and tomorrow.

"Why are those two taking so long?" Sooyoung complained. They are in the Hwang Mansion and waiting for Taeny Couple to arrive so they could go to Jung Mansion to have a get together with the whole family.

Seohyun, Yoong, Kyuhyun and Nayoung already went there early this morning with the six kids since the driver from the Jungs picked them up. Leaving the three other couples in the Hwang Mansion.

Jessica who hates waiting is surprisingly calm, thanks to her beloved husband who keeps on being so sweet to her.

"I'm so happy, we can see our beach house again. Do you remember what we did there?" He asked hugging her.

Jessica blushed at what he said. "Stop that Seobang." She said elbowing her husband.

"Why? I can still remember how great my baby is." He whispered to her. "Can we go there again? Tonight? I miss you so much." He kissed her neck.

"Yah! You two kept on flirting! You should've went to the Jung Mansion and take care of the kids!" Sooyoung told them.

Yuri meronged him and hugged his wife. He can be all sweet to his wife without looking after the kids. Thanks to the four younger ones.

"Guys!!!" They heard Tiffany's loud voice booming.

Nicole rolled her eyes. "Finally!" She sighed.

Tiffany greeted them followed by Taeyeon with their luggages.

"Where is my baby?" He asked.

"They are in the Jung Mansion now. Let's go!" Hyoyeon said.

"I can't believe it! We have a reunion!" Tiffany happily said hugging Nicole and Sunny. "I missed you a lot!!" She said.

They all ride in a car, Yuri drive to the other Mansion while Jessica was sitting beside him.

"You should've called for a driver. I wanna cuddle with you the whole day!" The blonde girl said pouting.

Yuri smiled and pinch her cheeks. "Why are you so cute??" He said and pull the car to stop then kissed his wife.

Their friends groan. "Yah! Stop that! We need to get there!" Sooyoung shouted and look around. He then saw a towel then throw it to them.

"Yah!" Yuri shouted and turned to them. "Are you jealous? You want me to kiss you too?" He asked his friend.

Jessica pouted. "No one can kiss my Seobang except for me!" She childishly said.

Her cousins roll their eyes. "No one wants to kiss that womanizer!" Sunny said and Sooyoung nodded.

"That's not true! Seobang is loyal to me." She said and hugged him.

"Could you please drive us safely in the Mansion? You two keep making out like no one's here!" Nicole irritatedly said.

Yuri drive again, and the whole car stayed quiet until they arrived in the Jung Mansion.

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