Chapter 73: Bring the Boys Out!

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How are you guys??

Chapter 73:

The boys are in the bar area of the Jung Mansion, it's a room with a complete bar set up. They were having some sessions again with the elder guys while the girls are in the balcony having some bonding with the kids.

"I will be hosting a stud party for my future GrandSon-in-law!" Papa Jung announced to the guys. "Everyone here should be there." He added.

Grandpa Hwang nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Taeyeon and Yuri didn't experienced it." He said.

Yuri drink his wine and kept quiet, he's not planning on joining them since he knew what's gonna happen to his wife.

"And don't make any excuses, everyone should be there." Daddy Jung said looking at Yuri and Taeyeon. He knew those two guys are so afraid of their wives.

"I should talk to my bunny about it." Sooyoung said that earned a nod to the elder guys. Sunny is easy to talk to but if she won't agree he can't force her to let him go because he don't want them to fight, Sunny's wrath is different from her friends.

You can see her smiling but in her mind she's already planning on how to kill you and he don't want that.

"Sunny is easy to please especially if she knows who are you with." Sunny's father who has the same name as him said. They arrive yesterday with the other visitors and his wife.

"Yuri and Taeyeon, talk to your wives about the party but don't tell them it's a stud party for Hyo. Nicole might find out from Tiffany and the whole wedding surprise will be ruined." Daddy Leo told them. He knows his daughter so well, she can't keep a secret when she's all excited about something.

Taeyeon scratched his head. How in the world he will explain to his wife that there will be a party only for boys? Tiffany gets paranoid whenever he's not around especially during the night, she will surely start her dramas to him to convince him to stay.

"I'm not going." Yuri said. "I don't want Sica and I to fight." He said drinking

Daddy Jung shake his head, he knew Yuri will say this. "Don't worry about her Yul. And besides it's not like we're gonna cheat on them. We will just have fun for one night without them." He said and everyone nodded except for the younger guys.

The elders were so confident about their wives but not them. Sunny, Nicole, Tiffany and Jessica are really scary when they are mad and they won't sacrifice their lives for one happy night.

"I won't go too. I'm too young for stud parties. And.. Seohyun might get mad at me." Yoong followed.

Kim Appa tap his shoulder. "You will come with us. We need to bond Son." He smiled. He look at his father and nodded.

"We have until tomorrow morning to inform our wives about the party, after that I will do something for them not to disturb us especially to the five younger girls. I know they will do something to follow you so leave it all to Poppa!" Poppa Hwang smiled sheepishly.

"Alright! Everyone is up for it! It will be tomorrow night! This is exciting!" Papa Jung giggled like a teenager going in a bar for the first time.

Yuri is now thinking of the how will he tell Jessica about it.


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