Chapter 80: Yulsic Moments pt. 2

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How are you?? Here's another chapter!!

Hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 80:

Jessica woke up unusually early and prepared for the day. She went out and greeted her family in the living room.

"Good morning!" She greeted and went out.

Her Aunts look at each other. "What in the world happened to her?" Mommy Hwang asked.

Jessica passed by her grandparents in the garden and waved at them. "Jessi! Where are you going this early?" Momma Jung asked.

"I'll just jog Momma. Morning exercise." She said and ran out.

"Woah! Jessi wake up early to do exercise?" Momma Jung look at her husband.

Jessica was running around, this is her way to be sexy. "I need to cut out my food." She whispered while panting.

"Hello Miss!" Someone greeted her.

"Hi!" She said then focus on what she was doing.

"Mind if I join you?" The guy asked.

"I won't mind but my husband will. Bye!" She said then speed up her running. "Flirts here and there." She thought.

She sat on a bench and drink water, she then take her phone out and look at Her four boys' pictures.

"Oh! Jess?" A girl called her and she look up. She gritted her teeth but managed to put up a smile.

"Hi Juran. Surprise to see you here." She said and tapped the space next to her.

"I checked in a hotel near the beach. I'm doing my usual morning jog. Are you with someone?" She asked and look around.

Jessica smiled and shake her head, she knew this girl is looking for her husband. "No! I'm alone." She said.

"I see you want to stay fit. Is it because of what i told you yesterday? If so, then don't mind it." Juran said smiling. "Anyway, may I invite you and Yuri in a lunch with your kids?" She asked.

"Uh.. We have plans today since this is our last day here."

Juran smiled. "Oh really. This is my last day here too. I'll be flying to LA tomorrow." She said happily.

Jessica smiled too. "That's great." She said then her phone rings. "KkabSeobang ❤️" it reads.

She excitedly answered it. "Baby." She answered.

"Baby.. i was looking for you. Mom told me you went out for a jog." Yuri said. Jessica giggled totally forget that there is someone listening to her.

"Yeah, i'll go home now." She said.

"No need, i can see you from here." He said. Jessica look around and saw her husband and Krystal pulling the kids' wagon and is now running to them.

She hang up and stood up, Yuri happily stopped to their spot and saw Juran. Jessica greeted the kids with kisses.

"Good Morning." He greeted and the other girl smiled in return. He then turned to his wife and hugged her. "I missed you." He whispered.

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