Chapter 21: Finally!!

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Chapter 21:

Krystal was running around the Living room and the Dining, Her Sister was feeding Her breakfast.

"Baby, don't run while You're eating, it's not good." Jessica shouted from the Dining. She stopped then looked at Her Sister.

"But Kwyshtal's excited to see Oppas and Unnies." She explained. Jessica sighed, She's excited too.

This day is the arrival of Their Friends from Seoul and YulTi was there to pick Them up.

She's actually not sure why They came here earlier than Planned but it's a Good thing as well since She wants to confide to Them about Her Pregnancy Announcement.

"You can stay there after You finish breakfast. Come on."

"Alwight." She went back inside. "Mickey awe You excited to see Oppas and Unnies too?" She asked Her Plush.

Jessica carried Her to Her High Chair. "Unnie. Why Mickey don't talk to Kwyshtal? Is He mad?" Jessica chuckled at Her Sister's cuteness.

"No, Baby, Mickey is a toy, He won't learn how to speak. Do you want Me to buy You another toy that can speak?" She asked. The little Girl shake Her head.

"No, Mickey is Kwyshtal's Best Friend. Kwyshtal won't exchange Him to any other toys." Jessica smiled at Her Sister's loyalty.

"Don't worry, Baby, if Our Baby comes out, You and Mickey will have a new Playmate." Krystal looked at Her with Her big brown Eyes.

"Kwyshtal can play with Baby Yuwsic?"


"Yes! Yuwee Oppa and Jessi Unnie."

"Ow. Yulsic You mean?"

"Yes." They were having They're conversation then a loud honk stopped Them.

Krystal was jumping up and down on Her chair wanting to be put down. "Unnie!" Jessica put Her down and the little Girl immediately ran to the Entrance door.

Jessica put the dishes on the sink, She hear Her Friends' voices.

"Jessica!!!" Sunny exclaimed as She saw Her Friend.

"Sunny Bunny!" She greeted and hugged Her. "Your baby inside seems big now!"

"Yes. I'm excited!" She happily exclaimed.

Jessica hugged everyone one, She missed Them a lot.

The Helpers then brought the Foods in the Living room. Krystal was being hyper and keeps on telling Them Stories about Her favorites.

Yuri wasn't there, They told Her that Taeyeon and Yuri went somewhere else.

Her friends then went to their respective Rooms in the Mansion to rest. Jessica cradle Krystal to sleep too.

Jessica keeo tossing in the bed, She can't sleep properly, She misses Yuri's warmth and scent. She always love to smell His scent, that's why whenever Yuri won't be around, She would get His used shirt and sniff it until She fall asleep.

She then heard the Door open and a familiar scent lingers around the room. She shifted to see the Person and saw Him hovering over Her.

"Hi, Baby, did You miss Me?" Yuri asked. His hands on both sides for Him not to crash Her.

Jessica was trying so hard not to blush and smash her lips to His. She missed Him a lot and all She wants now is to cuddle with Him.

"You bet." She smirked pushing Him off Her. Yuri pouted but still went near Her again.

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