Chapter 45: Their Honeymoon for real part 1 (M)

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Hello Guys!!

Warning: smut scenes! Don't read if you can't handle mature content!

Chapter 45:

Yuri's sitting outside the room, Just in front of the door, he's leaning his back on the wall for almost three hours. He's been waiting for Jessica to open the door and let him in to talk.

He's regretful of what he said, he kept on hitting his head for saying those words to her.

He hasn't change his clothes since their bags are inside the room. He sighed. This is not the Honeymoon he pictured. He was actually thinking of a lot of sweetness together but all of it faded because of him.

"Babo! Babo! Babo!" He kept on chanting as he bang his head on the wall a little hard continuously.

On the other hand, Jessica was sitting on the floor as she lean her back on the door, she could hear Yuri from the outside and she can't help but cry.

She hears banging on the wall and she knows Yuri is hurting himself. Then she heard him speak. "Baby, I don't know if you'll hear this but.. i just wanna let you know that even if the world turn upside down i will still choose you over my career." He paused Jessica covered her mouth with her hand not to make any sound.

"Being an Actor is my dream. A dream that even my own mother wasn't able to stop. I strive hard to get what I have right now." Jessica's tears were flowing down her cheek, hearing Yuri cry makes her heart weak.

"I will tell you honestly, i miss my career, i miss acting because that's what I want ever since I was young. And I was really sad to leave the things I worked hard for over ten years but you know what? I didn't have second thoughts in leaving it all behind because of you. And if they would ask me now i will still choose you. I will choose To be with you." She heard him sobbed.

"You are my first love Sica. My one great love. Ever since I met you, i knew that you are the one, all i imagined was marrying you, having kids with you, and a lifetime with you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You changed my life. You made me the person i am today. And i am thankful to you."

"Yes, It's hard to let go of my career because it's my dream, my long time dream, but It will be more harder for me to lose you because you are my life Sica. How can I work for my dream if I don't have a life anymore?"

"i'm so regretful right now because of what I've said. I'm really really sorry baby. Please forgive this babo." He said. Jessica covered her face with her hands and cried louder. "I love you Sica." He wiped his tears away.

Jessica don't like him crying, he hugged his knees tightly as he feels cold. He will wait there until she open the door, Jessica is a soft hearted girl, a warm ice princess. He has faith in her.

He then heard the door opened, he looked up and saw His wife crying. "Sica.." He called and quickly stand up. "I'm so.." he wasn't able to complete his sentence as Jessica envelope him in a tight hug.

"I love you!" She cried burying her face on his chest.

Yuri pursed his lips as he let his tears fall. "I love you Sica. I love you. I love you!" He whispered.

He broke the hug and cupped her face and wiped her tears away. "Forgive me." He said. Jessica nodded her head as she wipe his tears too. "Thank you baby." He said as he leaned down and kissed her tenderly, a kiss that shows her how much he loves her.

Jessica kissed back then hugged him again. After sometime the both of them calmed down. She lead him inside their room and cuddle.

Jessica was hugging Yuri tight and felt him shivering, she broke the hug and look at him. "You're trembling Seobang." She said, she then remembered that Yuri hasn't changed his clothes. "You should take a bath." She mumbled and went to the bathroom and prepared him a warm water.

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