Chapter 26: Time to Heal

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Chapter 26:

Tiffany was packing Clothes in the Middle of the Night, She's inside Krystal's room, She knew what's happening between the three and being the most loving, most thoughtful, most caring and the Prettiest Cousin of all time, She planned something.

Yesterday, right after Her checkup, She told Mommy Jung that Jessica was planning on taking Krystal back to San Francisco to let Her experience how it's like to live there. Mommy Jung was so happy, so She contacted Poppa Hwang to borrow Their Private Plane.

The original plan was tomorrow before lunch will be the flight since Krystal requested to stay with the Lee's. But after She saw Donghae bringing Krystal Home that night, She changed the plan. Their flight will be tonight, so She packed Krystal's stuff enough for a week stay after this She will barge into Yulsic's room to tell Them.

She looked at Krystal and sigh. "The things I do for My Cousins." She smiled. She love Her Cousins a lot.

She kissed Krystal's cheek before She left the room with Krystal's bag with Her. She's now outside YulSic's room, She was having second thoughts if She will just barge in or if She will knock.

"What if They did something inside and They're both naked? Oh God! My two Beautiful Eyes!!" She thought as She cover Her eyes.

She take a deep breath before knocking on the Door. She waited but no one was answering the door, She looked at Her wrist watch. It's eleven in the evening, They're set to fly at one, There's no time left. She bit Her finger as She turned the door knob and opened the door.

"She tried to sniff, seems normal." She thought.

She's trying to feel the light switch and turned it on. Her eyes slowly opened and looked at the sleeping couple.

She sighed in relief, They're both dressed and cuddling with each other. She smiled and wake Them up.

"Jessi! Yuri! Wake Up!" She shake Their bodies furiously. Yuri woke up first.

"What are You doing here, Tiff? What time is it?" He asked looking at the wall clock. "It's eleven in the evening, Tiff. Why are You waking Us up at this hour?" He asked.

Jessica woke up with the noise. "Seobang..Tiff? What are You doing here?" She asked scratching Her eyes.

"You two get up, and pack Your stuffs." She told Them.

"Why?" Tiffany rolled Her eyes. They look like in a Comedy Show.

"It's about Krystal!" She said, the two panicked and stood up. "Yah! I'm not yet done! You two sit down!" She commanded. The two look like lost puppies.

"Alright! I know that the two of You and Krystal are still not in good terms right now." The Couple nodded. "And being the smartest Person here, I came up with the smartest Idea of bringing Her to San Francisco. Just the three of You. How sweet, right?" Tiffany squealed in happiness.

Jessica and Yuri looked at each other then back at Tiffany. "Will it be a good idea? I mean.. Krystal doesn't want to stay with Us. She might get mad even more." Yuri asked worriedly, He wanted to be with Krystal but He is also worried that Krystal might get mad if They do this plan.

Tiffany shook Her head. "Kwon Yuri, do You think She will still get mad if the only People She could lean on is You two? And besides, Krystal is a soft hearted Little cute Girl and She loves You, all you have to do is to prove to Her that you love Her too." She crossed Her arms.

"This is Your chance to bring Her back. Bring Our cute little clingy princess back. So, without any further ado You two pack Your stuffs enough for a week, Your flight is at one a.m. I'll tell the Driver to prepare the Car, be ready in fifteen minutes, okay? Go go Sing!!" She said in finality and She went out of Their room.

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