Chapter 13: Too Much Sugar (M)

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Chapter 13:

Yoong was sick and Jessica was taking care of Him, whenever He's sick if it's not His Mother, He often call His Noonas and right now He called for His Jessica Noona.

"Noona, I'm okay You can rest now. Thank You." He thanked Her. He can always count on Her.

"No, Yoong, I want to make sure You're fine before I rest, You know You're important to Me like Krystal."

Yuri was sulking in His Seat inside His Brother's Suite. His arms are crossed over His chest. Mimicking Jessica's dialogue. The Blonde Woman looked at Him and saw Him making faces.

"Yul.. what are You doing?" She asked.

"Nothing.. I'll just go out and play with Krystal." He stomped His feet to the door banging the door so loud.

Yoong looked at Jessica. "Why is He mad, Noona?"

"Don't mind Him. He's just want something. that He didn't get." Jessica winked at Him that made Him laugh.

Yoong shook His head, His brother never sulk that way, especially for the attention from a Girl. "I'm really fine now, Noona. I'll just rest."

Jessica sighed and stood up, Yoong is as bullheaded as His brother. "Okay then, call Me when You need Me. Okay?"

She went inside Their hotel suite and called Yuri who seems busy. "Yul.." She went near Him. He was lying on the bed playing with Krystal's iPad not minding Her presence.

Jessica was baffled at His actions. She laid down beside Him watching Him Play. "Baby~" She wrapped Her arms around His waist and sniffed Him on His Neck. "Yul talk to Me.. Why are You acting this way again?"

"Go to Yoong! He's more important to You, Isn't He?" He scoffed unwrapping Her hands and sit up.

"Are You serious? You're jealous of Your own Brother?" He didn't speak but played again.

Jessica yanked the iPad away from Him and hovered over Him. Yuri looked at Her without saying anything. "Is it really Yoong that's why You're acting this way?"

"I was on the edge, Sica. I was on the edge and You left Me." Jessica laughed and pinched His cheeks.

Yuri looked away still sulking "It's not worth laughing, okay? I needed to take cold shower to ease the pain, Sica."

Jessica pulled Him in a deep kiss. "Let's finish it then." She moved Her kisses on His neck but Yuri stopped Her.

"I promised Krystal that We will play tonight, so no."

"We'll be quick. No foreplay, Baby. I promise." She then tugged Yuri's shirt but He stopped Her again.

"I said No. Get up now, Your sister might barge in and see Us in this position."

Jessica pouted, She knows Yuri was just requiting because of what She had done hours ago. "I'm sorry, Baby. Come on."

"You won't stop, will You?" He asked. Jessica cutely shake Her head.

He sighed, this Girl always gets whatever She wants. "Your call." Then Yuri kissed Her lips passionately, His hands on Her waist. He slipped His tongue in Her mouth tasting the sweet flavored mouth of His Lover.

He broke the kiss and caressed Her waist, Jessica smiled at Yuri. His hands travel upwards until it reached Her Mounds, groping it.

Jessica moaned at the sensation Her lover is giving Her. "You like it, Baby?" He asked "I want You to strip. I want to see Your sexy body, Baby." Jessica then pulled Her blouse off Her, She was about to unclasped her bra when He stopped Her. "No, I want to do it." He said Jessica let Him be.

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