Chapter 88: Team K2 in ROS

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Another sub chapter for you guys!

Chapter 88:

The Two families gathered in the Kwon Household, the airing of the first episode of the Kwon in ROS just finished and now Taeny are putting the kids for an afternoon nap.

"Mama, Mommy and Daddy whewe?" Daehan asked noticing that their parents are nowhere to be found.

Tiffany opened her mouth to say something but Taeyeon glared at her, he knows his wife really well, she will say nonsense thing again.

"Uh.. Your Mommy and Daddy are eating." She said then look at her husband with a smile. "Each other.." She thought then smirked.

"Dyanie wanna eat too." The little kid said standing on Tiffany's lap.

"Wait.. I'll call your Mommy okay?" She said and kissed his cheek putting him down then stood up.

But even before she go out, YulSic came in looking so fresh with wet hairs.

Tiffany smirked and Taeyeon shake his head. "Oh here's your Mommy and Daddy." She said and went back on the rubber matted floor where the other kids are already sleeping.

Jessica sat on the floor then spread her arms and hug Daehan. "What's My Baby boy want?" She asked and hugged him.

"Dyanie hungwy." The little boy said.

Yuri crawled to them and pinched Daehan's cheeks who's sitting on his wife's lap. "Oh My Sleeping Prince is hungry, what do you wanna eat?" He asked giving the little boy loud kisses on his tummy.

Daehan pushed his Dad's face then laughed. "Dyanie wike chocowate." He said.

"No, chocolate won't do. Eat bread instead." Jessica said and faced her husband. "Bring Daehan some bread Seobang."

Yuri gave his wife a smooch then stood up and went out, Jessica then look at the kids and was about to give them kisses when her cousin stopped her.

"Don't do that!" Tiffany said a little loud.

"Why not? I always do this." The blonde said.

Tiffany rolled her eyes then crossed her arms. "I don't even know what you did with that mouth of yours before you came here. So don't ever think of that."

Jessica nearly blushed at what her cousin said since Yuri and her just came in from their Regular lovemaking.

Yuri went back from the kitchen and feed Daehan, he then put him to sleep after he eat then the four Parents went to the Balcony for some get together.

The two women were having some juice while the guys were drinking canned beers.

"The first episode of Yuri and the kids is really cute." Taeyeon said. "The triplets' charm is no joke. They are born to be stars."

Jessica and Yuri giggled in happiness. "Of course, it's My Husband and kids. Expect it to be really cute." The blonde proudly said.

Yuri hugged her sideways then kissed her cheek. "It will be more amazing since Sicababy agreed to join us." He said and peck her cheek continuously.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Duh! How will it be cute when Jessi is so boring?" She said. "People might turn their backs on you Yul!"

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