Chapter 74: Party All Night!

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Here's an update! Hope you like this!

Chapter 74:

The boys were preparing for the party, while the girls were just watching their men who are so busy.

Taeyeon and Yuri smiled to their wives while the two girls rolled their eyes. They still can't believe how their grandfathers manipulate them.

"I gotta go check my kids! They are more important than watching these men looking so excited for their night out!" She shouted enough for her husband to hear.

Tiffany followed too, she's sulking at her husband for following their grandfathers.

They've been craving for their husband's warmth ever since their grandfathers told them about the punishment. Yuri and Taeyeon don't come near them because Poppa Hwang told them that they will not allow them to see Krystal once they are back in LA, and of course being so in love with the little girl Taeyeon and Yuri chose to keep distance from them for this day.

"Jessi~" Tiffany called her cousin as they entered the playroom.

"What?" She asked.

"We should do something! I really feel that something's gonna happen tonight!" The brunette said looking so worried.

Jessica thought for a moment. "I'm actually planning on making him stay. But.. if that won't work i think we should make a plan B." She said and hold her chin.

Tiffany caressed her sleeping daughter's hair as she sigh. She's helpless, she wanted her husband to stay but she doubt he will since it's her grandfather's request.

Jessica then snapped her fingers. "I know! We should hide inside their car." She said happily.

Tiffany look at her unbelievably. "Are you idiot?" She asked rolling her eyes. "My Taetae knows my scent. Even without perfume! We'll get caught!" She told her.

Jessica bite her lip, her plan won't work since Yuri is so familiar with her natural body scent.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked her 'smart' cousin.

It's time for Tiffany to 'think so hard'. Her eyes then twinkled while looking at her cousin. "We should disguise as strippers! You've experienced it with Yuri right?"

Jessica shake her head unbelievably. "Are you serious? You? Stripper? Tiff.." She stopped as she think of the right words. "Your baby might get cold." She said instead. Tiffany is sensitive at the moment and she can't say harsh things especially about her looks.

Tiffany pouted. "Is it because i'm fat?" She asked.

Jessica sighed, she knew it. "No honey. It's just a baby bump not fat. And if your tummy is big that means you're taking care of the baby so well!" She smiled.

Tiffany was happy with what she heard and smiled at her cousin. "Really?" She asked.

Jessica nodded. "And you are beautiful. It runs in our genes." She said.

Tiffany nodded foolishly. "Yes. That's true." She said happily.

"Back on our topic! What should we do now?" Jessica asked.

"Let's just follow their whereabouts!" Tiffany said. "We can go wherever they go without them knowing! And we can bring the two girls with us." She whispered.

Jessica nodded at her cousin's idea and laid down next to the kids.


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