Chapter 24: Baby Krystal No More

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Chapter 24:

Yuri was driving to the Jung Mansion, He woke up an hour after Jessica and Krystal went to Their Grandparents home.

He immediately asked for the address and drive there. He also brought the Mickey Mouse plush that Krystal left on the bed.

He's near the Mansion when His phone rings. He immediately answered without looking at the caller ID thinking it might be Jessica.


"Yul!" It was Hyoyeon. "Don't just barge in the house, Okay?"

"Of course, Hyo! I will introduced Myself to Them first." He said as a matter of fact.

"They're Grandparents found out about Jessica's pregnancy and now raging about it. They wanna talk to You." Hyoyeon explained on the other line.

Yuri clutch the Stirring Wheel tightly, Jessica must be in distress right now. This is not good for Their Baby.

"Okay, Hyo! Thanks. Bye." He said and stopped the car in front the Mansion.

Inside the Jung Mansion..

"Hon, don't be too harsh, Okay? Remember Jessica shouldn't be Stress." Momma Jung keeps on reminding Her Husband.

The Couple is in the living room waiting for Yuri, They wanna meet the Guy who stole the heart of Their Eldest Grandchild.

"I know, Honey. Don't worry, I'll just talk to Him like a Man." Papa Jung proudly assured His Wife, but seems like Momma Jung wasn't convinced knowing Her husband, He sometimes get a little carried away.

Just then one of Their Helpers came in. "Excuse Me, Sir, Ma'am! Someone's outside. He wants to talk to You."

Papa Jung smiled. "Let Him in." He said in a deep voice with a villain laugh. He got excited, His acting skill will unleash. Momma Jung rolled Her eyes, She knew this talk will be funny.

The Couple sat down on the Couch waiting for the Young Man.

"Annyeong Haseyo!" Someone suddenly barge in bowing His Head. The couple turned Their attention to the Tall, Tanned and Handsome Young man.

Papa Jung cleared His throat. "Who are You?" He asked in uptight tone.

Yuri bowed again. "I am Kwon Yuri, Sir, Ma'am. Jessica's fiancé." He introduced. He wants Them to feel how sincere He is.

"Oh well, have a seat, Yuri." Momma Jung told Him giving Him a warm smile. Yuri bowed again then sat properly, His eyes roam inside the House looking for familiar faces that He wants to see.

The Couple noticed it. "Jessica and Krystal are sleeping right now. If you're looking for Them." Momma Jung informed him. Yuri blushed and nodded His Head in understanding.

"Kwon Yuri, tell Me something about Yourself." Papa Jung started. Yuri cleared His throat and Started to tell Them things about Him.

"As I said, I'm Kwon Yuri, twenty six years old. Working as an Actor." He looked at Papa Jung and the latter was nodding His head.

"Are You marrying My Granddaughter because She's Pregnant? If that so never mind the wedding bec.."

Yuri quickly shake His head, "No Sir! Definitely not. I found out about Her Pregnancy the day after I proposed to Her, Sir." He told Him.

"Why did You let Her drive alone here? That's not how You treat Your future wife, Kwon Yuri. He asked. He already knows what happened but He wanted to know His side story.

Yuri fidget He's preparing Himself to get a good scolding from the Elder Man. "I'm really sorry, Sir. I was actually planning on going with Her but then when I was waiting for Them, I fell asleep and She left without waking Me up, She's sulking because She thought I was thinking that She's getting fat because I told Her to Shop some Maternity Clothes." He explained looking embarrassed.

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