Chapter 36: YulSicKrys..

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Chapter 36:

Jessica woke up in the middle of the night, she was feeling thirsty and so she sat up slowly, getting the pitcher and the glass on the bedside table.

She drank a glass of water then she choke and cough hard for about three or four times then she felt a gush. "Oh Shit!" She shouted.

Yuri heard her and got up quickly. "What happened he asked." He knows Jessica's due anytime now since she's on her thirty fourth week yesterday.

He turned the lights on and saw water on the floor. "My water broke!" Jessica shouted.

Yuri took a decent shirt then went out and knock on Jessica's parents room.

"What is it Yul?" Daddy Jung asked.

"Dad, Jessica's water just broke, we need to go to the hospital. Krystal's in the room sleeping." He said in a hurried tone.

Daddy Jung got what he wanted to say. "No problem. I'll bring her to Taeny's, and we'll go with you in the hospital." He said then wake his wife.

Yuri readied the car while the Jung Couple help Jessica go down the stairs. The whole household woke up because of Daddy Jung's loud voice.

"Tiffany call The OB, tell her Jessica's gonna give birth!" Mommy Jung ordered, Tiffany nodded and quickly called Ailee.

All Jessica's bags for this day, had been in the car for a few weeks already. After making sure Jessica's settled Yuri drive the car hurriedly.

Mommy Jung received a call from Tiffany. "Hello?"

"Auntie, Ailee's on her way now!"

"Alright, Thanks Tiff!"

They arrived in the hospital, Yuri took a wheel chair and the Couple Jung went in looking for a nurse to assess Jessica.

"Patient's name is Jessica Jung!" Mommy Jung said.

The nurse nodded her head. "Yes, Doctor Amy Lee had called already." The nurse brought her to the operating room, and Ailee came not long after.

Yuri went in with Jessica, while the couple waited outside.

"Seobang.." Jessica was getting teary eyed.

"You can do it, Sica. I won't leave you. I love you!" Yuri held her hands tight and kissed her lips.

A few minutes later, Ailee went to her and told her that she will get epidural.

Jessica cried in pain. Seeing his Wife in this state, Yuri couldn't do anything but to cry and pray for a safe delivery.

They laid her back down on the bed and her feet in the air. The epidural is taking long to effect and she's feeling a great pain down there.

Ailee talked to her. "Jessi, you can do it. If the first baby comes out fine, a huge possibilities that everything will be fine." She whispered. Jessica felt safe in the hands of her friend.

Yuri held her hands even tighter, God knows how nervous he is for his soon to be wife but he can't show it to her. "I love you baby. I love you so much." He whispered over and over again.

Jessica has her eyes shut close. She's feeling the babies inside her, as if talking to them asking them to help her.

Ailee knew the first baby will come out anytime soon. "Push Jessi!" She said. And Jessica pushed hard. "Good Job. You're doing perfect. A little more, Sweetie. Push more." Jessica pushed harder, moments later they heard a loud cry.

Yuri kissed her lips. "Good Job baby. I love you!" The nurse carried him and put him on her chest. Jessica cried and kissed her baby. Yuri took a picture of them and kissed him. She took him out of her to weigh and clean him up.

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