Chapter 87: Going Home

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Hello Guys!!!

How are you?? Hope y'all doing great!!

Here's another chapter!!

Chapter 87:

Jessica was still on the bed, it's already past lunch but she won't get up. She's too lazy to move and she's on the state where she's missing her four boys so much.

It has been four days since Yuri and the kids left for the filming, the boys were supposed to go home today but her husband told her that the Producer ask for another day of filming so that they don't have filming schedule next week and of course Yuri agreed. So Jessica has too wait for another day to see them in flesh.

Four days of being alone in a huge house is like hell for her. Sometimes she would regret that she allowed Yuri and the kids to be part of the show but she can't take it back just like that since everything is in legal process

Ailee visited her the other day, and they went out with Tiffany just like before. But when she went home, she felt lonely again.

Her phone rings again, Yuri has been video calling her since morning, she's not picking it up because she know she looks like a mess right now, and she don't like to show it to him. After a few rings her phone went silent again.

She sighed and think of what she'll do today.

She was having a peaceful moment inside the kids' room when the door burst open.

"Jessica Jung Sooyeon.." Tiffany shouted. She's holding her phone and talking to someone. "Yeah I know Kwon Yuri.." She rolled her eyes. "Jessica Jung Sooyeon Kwon!!" She shouted again.

"How did you get here?" Jessica asked lazily.

"You forgot, we have each other's spare keys." The brunette said. "Your husband kept on calling me and my Taetae, you're not answering his calls. Talk to him." She said then toss her phone to the bed. "Our three girls are downstairs waiting for you." She said then went out.

Jessica take her cousin's phone and talk to her husband. "Seobang.."

"Baby.. are you okay? You're not answering my calls.." Yuri said with a hint of sadness.

"I'm sorry baby. I just woke up." She lied. "How's the kids?"

"They're doing great, we went to park yesterday. The kids are so cute Sica.. they kept on talking to the cameramen." He said then chuckled.

This made her even more sad, she wanted to experience things with the kids.

"I see.. when can I watch it?" She asked.

"The first episode will air next week, we can watch it together." He said excitedly then silenced. "Sica.." He called, Jessica hummed in response. "I miss you so much." He longingly said.

"I miss you too. I wanna see you now."

"We'll see you tomorrow baby. The kids misses you so much, Daehan kept asking about you, he even picked a flower in the park for you." He informed her.

Jessica smiled at what she heard, at least the kids still think of her. "I'm excited to see my favorite boys." She said.

"Alright Sica, we're going out today. We'll see you tomorrow, i miss you.. bye baby.." She heard him making kissing sounds.

"See you.. i miss you too.." She said and sat up.

"I love you so much Sica.."

"Me too.. I love you!!! Mwah!!" She said then hang up. She'll just wait for them to go back.

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