Chapter 50: Krystal's Back with the Kwon's

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Chapter 50:

Yuri was on his way to the Hwang Mansion, this is the day he will pick up Krystal. He definitely can't hide his excitement to see the little kid once again.

Jessica's phone suddenly rings. He look at the caller and found that it was his wife. They exchanged phones as what he told her.

"Baby." He answered.

"Are you with Krystal?" Jessica asked.

"Not yet baby. I'm near the Mansion. I'll call if we're on our way back home." He said.

He could hear their babies' voices and he chuckled hearing one of them squealed. He was guessing it was Daehan since he's noticed his first child likes to squeal like his mother.

"Baby, Daehan seems shouting at his brothers."

"Oh no, Seobang. He wants to get his plush on the table." Jessica laughed. "Alright love, just call me later okay?" She said.

"Okay baby."

"Drive safely Seobang! I love you!" She said. Yuri smiled as he heard a kissing sound from her. Jessica's getting some cuteness from their kids.

"I love you too Sicababy! Bye bye!" He said and wait for her to hang up.

He turned to the left then park the car outside the Mansion. He won't stay too long since it's getting dark and he has to be home earlier.

He walk fast inside and greeted everyone. Daddy Jung walked down with Krystal's bags and he quickly took it out of his hold.

Mommy Jung followed with Krystal in her arms. "Hello Mom, Dad!" He greeted.

"Oppa!" Krystal called happily and spread her arms for him.

Yuri carried her and kissed her cheek. "Remember what I said Yuri.." Daddy Jung said.

Yuri nodded. "Yes Dad, i will bring Krystal here during the weekends. And also the three boys." He smiled.

Mommy Jung clapped her hands, she's happy and excited to see her grandchildren.

"Alright, go home now. Your wife and kids are probably waiting for you two." Daddy Jung said.

Krystal pouted her lips to give her Parents kisses. "Krystal will miss Mommy and Daddy." She said.

Her grandparents and Tiffany's parents were there too.

"What about our kisses baby?" Auntie Miyoun said with aegyo.

Krystal gave all of them kisses then the two went to the car.

"Baby, are you comfortable now?" He asked as he put her seatbelt on.

"Yes." She answered.

Yuri kissed her head then closed the door. He went to the driver seat then turned the music on and drive to their home.

He remembered his wife then called her. After a few rings she answered.

"Seobang.." Jessica called.

"Baby, i'm with Krystal now. We're on our way home." He told her.

"Wow! Can I talk to my baby Sister?" She asked excitedly.

Yuri put it on speaker and gave Krystal the phone and let the two sisters talk. "Unnie." The little girl called.

"Baby.. are you excited to see me and the triplets?" She asked.

"Yes! Krystal missed the boys!" She said.

"They missed you too." Jessica said.

Yuri smiled hearing the two siblings' conversations. They arrived at seven and Jessica welcomed them.

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