Chapter 71: Reunited Once Again

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I hope you'll love this chapter!!!

Chapter 71:

"Yoong Oppaaa!!!!" Krystal screamed the moment she hop off the car.

The said Guy turn around and smiled at her. "Oh Our Little Princess!!" Yoong spread his arms for the little girl who's running to him.

"Krystal missed Oppa a lot!" She exclaimed and showered Yoong kisses.

Yoong then saw his Brother and her Sister-In-Law carrying the four kids inside the Jung Mansion.

He put Krystal down. "Hyung! Noona!" He greeted them.

Jessica put the kids down and gave Him a warm hug and a kiss on his cheek.

"You look even more handsome Yoongie!!" She told him ruffling his hair. "Even more handsome than your brother." She whispered.

"Yah Sica! I heard you!" Yuri shouted childishly that made his wife and brother laugh.

Jessica went to him and hug him. "Of course you are the most handsome! I was just pulling your leg baby." She said.

The little kids were wandering around the garden, then Krystal hold Irene and Minguk's hand and bring them inside.

Jessica followed holding Daehan and Manse, leaving her husband and Yoong behind.

"Sunbun! Soo!" Jessica greeted her best friend and Sunny's husband immediately.

"Jess!!" Sunny envelope her in a hug. "You look as pretty as ever Jess!" She complimented.

Jessica smiled. Sooyoung excused himself to greet Yuri while the two mothers continued to catch up.

"You too Bun!" She complimented back. "Oh Where's my Goddaughter?" She asked.

Sunny pointed her daughter who is now playing with the five kids. "They're getting along really well." Sunny giggled.

"Sulli grow up so fast! Look at her she's really tall." Jessica surprisingly said looking at the kids.

"Yeah, she take it from her father." Sunny said as she pulled her friend on the couch. "By the way, the gowns, dresses and suits are already in San Francisco. In Jung Mansion, All of our Parents are already there with your Grandparents." The shorter woman informed her.

"Where's Nicole?" She asked as she roam her eyes around the living room.

"She's upstairs, Hyo and Her were fighting since yesterday. Hyo's upstairs too, Probably talking to her."

"Unnie!!" Seohyun then approached her and Hugged the older woman.

"The original Hyunie is here. I miss you baby girl." She greeted and kissed her. "How are you? This is your last year in college right?" She asked.

The younger girl nodded. "I'm excited to graduate Unnie! I hope You can be there and celebrate with us." She smiled.

"Of course, we will be there. I can't miss the graduation of my baby Seohyun!" The blonde girl patted her head.

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