Chapter 49: Jessica's Visceral Feelings

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Chapter 49:

"Let's do it Seobang. Oh God!" Jessica groaned.

Yuri massaged her left breast circular motioned while he kept sucking the other. Jessica was watching her husband while stroking his hair.

Yuri faced him. "Let's make this fast baby, the kids might wake up." He said and kissed her forehead.

Jessica nodded and pulled her husband for a deep kiss. Yuri teased her nipples with his thumb and index finger.

"Aaahhh!! Seobang, the kids will wake up soon!" Jessica moaned. They have to make it fast. She knows the kids sleeping pattern and once they awake they will cry nonstop until one of their parents appears.

Yuri nodded and pulled his shirt off, he kissed her again, while having their sessions they suddenly heard a loud cry.

"Waaahhh! Mama!! Mama!" The both of them stop and sigh hearing Minguk's voice.

Yuri stood up and put on his shirt. Jessica did the same thing and went to the other room.

"Minguk wakes up earlier." Jessica mumbled and open the door seeing the little one wailing.

"Mama!" He cried and spread his small arms. Jessica carried him but put him down again.

Her nipple is aching. He carried the baby on the other side still complaining of her breast.

She went back seeing her husband on the bed. "Seobang." She called and put the kid down to crawl to his Dad. "I'm sorry." She said.

Yuri played with Minguk. "No baby. It's never your fault if the kids wakes up." He smiled and motioned her to come closer.

Minguk slap his face and laughed as his dad made face. "Kookie, never hurt other people okay?" Jessica told her child holding his hand.

"How was your first day?" Yuri suddenly asked.

Jessica look from afar. She don't know if she should tell him the truth or not.

"Is something bothering you Sicababy?" Yuri asked noticing her hesitation.

"Um.. I wasn't in the mood in my first day Seobang." She admitted. "Because of your secretary. I really don't feel any good with her presence." She said worriedly.

Yuri sighed he don't understand why Jessica doesn't like Hyuna. "She's a perfect secretary baby. She knows everything i need." He said.

Jessica look away, she knows Yuri will insist of letting Hyuna stay, but her gut feeling is telling her to stop Hyuna from getting close to her husband and her kids.

Yuri hugged her. "Baby. Don't worry too much." He said kissing her head.

"But Seobang, we should do something with my gut feeling. Just find another Secretary! A guy!" She said. She really just can't stay silent when she feels bad about that girl.

"Stop this talk Sica. I don't wanna fight." He said and just play with Minguk.

She shake her head and went out to check the other two kids. Yuri followed her, he knows she's ceasing herself from blowing up. The two kids already awake with their Mommy on the bed.

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