Chapter 20: YulSic Unite!

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Chapter 20:

Krystal was in the kitchen with the Helper making a sandwich for Her sister, noticing Jessica is a picky eater She decided to make Her something.

"Unnie~" She ran to Her Sister with the helper holding the tray following behind.

"Huh?" Jessica looked up from reading on the Couch.

"Kwyshtal and Aunt Lyn made You Sandwich." She showed Her sister the sandwiches They made. "Kwyshtal saw Unnie not eating and it's not good for baby inside Unnie's tummy."

Jessica purse Her lip to stop Herself from crying. Her sister is so thoughtful, She never imagined Krystal this way, She was actually worried the moment She found out that She is Pregnant because Krystal is a jealous kid but seeing Her care so much for Her baby makes Her so proud and happy.

"Come here, Baby." Krystal went near Her. "Do You know how much You make Unnie proud and happy?" She asked as She Hugged Her sister. "I am so proud of You. You will be a very Good Auntie to Our Baby."

"If baby is born Unnie will not love Kwyshtal anymowe, so Kwyshtal have to take cawe of Unnie now."

"That's not true, Baby, Unnie will love You forever." She kissed Her Sister. Tiffany then came in. She sat beside Her Cousin and sighed because She's tired.

"What's the matter? Where's Taeyeon?" Jessica asked munching the Sandwich.

Tiffany shake Her head. "He left." She pretended to be sad.

"What? You didn't even convince Him to stay?"

The Other American smiled widely, "Don't worry, Jessi, He will be back before Our Wedding." Tiffany felt happy seeing Her Cousin's concern.

"Really? I'm happy for You, Tiff!" She hugged Her Cousin.

They broke the hug, Tiffany look at what Jessica is eating.

"Seriously, Jess? Ham Sandwich with Cucumber?" She asked Her Cousin.

Jessica shrugged and continued eating."Why? It's delicious. Want to try some?" She offered, Tiffany was about to get the other sandwich when Jessica swatted Her hand away.

"Why?" She asked.

She pointed the Kitchen Area. "Go there and make Your own." She childishly meronged Her.

Tiffany smirked, at last Jessica's having Her Life back. Ever since She stepped in California, She never saw Her Cousin being playful like this.

"Nevermind. I'm not really hungry." She fish out Her phone and took a selca. "What do You wanna eat for Lunch?" She asked.

The elders weren't there, that's why the three of Them were the only ones left there.

"Not really thinking about lunch."

"Don't tell Me You're gonna spend the whole day sleeping again?"

"Yeah! Go and walk Krystal out. It's good for the Baby." She told Her Cousin and walk up the stairs to sleep.


Yuri was riding a cab to Jessica's house from a Flower Shop, He bought a bouquet of Flowers and Fruits for His love. He also brought His Gift for Her.

Excited is the only word He can think of what He is feeling right now. He don't know if He got a proper sleep last night but He's sure that He dreamed of Jessica walking in a public place carrying a Baby, He's not sure whose Baby it is but He's definitely sure that it wasn't Krystal She is carrying.

He arrived in front of the Mansion and ring the doorbell.

He was greeted by a household helper and immediately let Him in. He smiled and asked about Jessica.

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