Chapter 51: Finding it out

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Here's another chapter guys!!

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Chapter 51:

Jessica was inside her office with the Kids, she has been observing her sister for a few days now, after the day she went to Yuri's office she became more quiet.

Their parents noticed it too when they went to the Mansion during the weekends. She kept on asking Krystal what's wrong but she wouldn't tell a thing.

Krystal has been going to Yuri's office for four times in a week, and since Yuri is extremely busy today they decided that the kids will stay with Jessica in her office.

She was brought back to her trance as her Personal Assistant Kim Jiwon came in holding some papers she needed to sign.

"What is this?" Jessica asked as she read a letter of resignation.

"Resignation letter Mrs. Kwon." The Personal Assistant said.

"I know that! What i'm asking is what is this for? Why are you suddenly resigning? How can I get an Assistant like you in a week?" She asked.

"I need to go back to Korea, my Mother is sick and no one will take good care of her. I'm really sorry Ma'am, this is an emergency situation." She said.

Jessica look at her Assistant then sighed, she's one of the best in the company, she was Nicole's Assistant before and she was even planning on promoting her in a higher position.

"Have you find a job there already?" She asked.

The girl shake her head. "I will look for a job when I get there Ma'am." She said.

Jessica creased her eyebrows. "What about your mother's medical expenses?" She asked.

Jiwon lowered her head, she didn't think about it. "I will pay for your Mother's medical expenses and your plane ticket, then go to Jung Inc. in Seoul and report to Nicole. I will talk to her to give you a position." She said. She knew Jiwon won't change her mind and so she'll just find a way to help her.

Jiwon stood up and bowed to her, Jung Inc. Helped her a lot, The eldest Jung even paid for her tuition fee back in her college years and now Jessica is helping her too with her Mother's Medical expenses.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Kwon. I owe you a lot." She said.

Jessica stood up and smiled. "You've been working here for so long, i should thank you for giving your best for the company." She smiled and hugged her.

The Assistant then went out, she look at the time, it's half past one in the afternoon in LA, it's probably half past five in the morning in Seoul. She took Yuri's phone and dialed Nicole's number.

"Yes Oppa?" Nicole groggily answered. Jessica smiled as her cousin was still in slumber.

"Nicole!!" She greeted.

"Unnie? Why did you call?" She asked.

"About Jiwon."

"Jiwon? Kim Jiwon? What about her?"

"She resigned in my office, she filed the letter just now."

"What?? Why? Unnie, Jiwon is one of the best employees in the Company! Why did you let her go?" Nicole asked.

"She'll be back in Korea next week. I told her to come to your office. I want you to give her a position there!" She ordered.

"Of course I will!" She said immediately.

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