Chapter 16: Clingy Tiffany, Sneaky YulSic (M)

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Chapter 16:

Jessica just woke up from a deep slumber, She was about to sit up when She felt an arm around Her waist. She then remembered that She was in Her Boyfriend's Apartment, She went straight there from Her office and told Tiffany that She'll get Krystal from the Lim's.

She tried to untangle His Arms but He hugged Her even tighter. "Don't go, Baby, I missed You." Yuri mumbled.

"Seobang.. I need to go Home. Tiffany will look for Me."

"Don't worry, I talk to Taeyeon last night, He'll bring Tiffany to His Home. You can stay here." She looked at Yuri, He really make ways for Them to be together.

"Okay then. You miss Me that much, huh."

"I do, Baby, ever since She went back, You've been Acting strange."

"Really? I'm sorry, Babe, I'm just really busy.."

"I know." He answered and kissed Her. "I understand."

"It's been a month since We found out that Tiffany and Sunny's pregnant, We're gonna welcome two babies early next year." She smiped, "I still can't believe Tiff's pregnant."

"Yeah, it's so fun to have pregnant women around. Look at how frantic Taeyeon And Sooyoung got whenever Tiff and Sunny call Them. They look like idiots."

"Yah! Don't make fun of Them, actually I think it's sweet."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, You know it just goes to show how much They love them. I wish I could find a Guy that would treat Me like They treat Their Girls."

Yuri kissed Her, "I can do more than that to You, Baby. I will give You the world."

"Don't make promises You can't keep, Babe."

"But I can really do that."

"What if I get pregnant too, Yul? We're not really using contraceptives."

"Then I'll be the happiest Person in the World. Imagine Me, Kwon Yuri will have a Baby with the one and only Jessica Jung. That's the Best thing in the world."

"But.. I'm not ready for it. I have a Company to run and I have a Sister to take care of."

"Don't worry too much, okay? You can run Your company I'll take care of Krystal and Our, Baby." Yuri leave a peck on Her forehead.

He was about to pounce on Her when Jessica push Him and climbed down the bed. "Come on, Seobang We need to pick up Krystal."

He sighed and sit up, "I thought I can have You all day today, alone." He said sadly. He misses Her really bad. Ever since Tiffany came back Jessica keep distancing Herself to Him.

Whenever He asked Her to stay in His apartment Jessica has Her reasons. This is why They always fight, He wants Her attention and warmth but She keeps on telling Him that She's busy.

He massage his head. "Sica, do You still want Me?" He suddenly asked.

Jessica has Her eyes wide open as She look at Him. "W-what? What are You talking about?"

"Do You still want Me in Your life?"

Jessica's heart beats fast when the thought of Her future without Yuri. She then cried, She's getting emotional this past month and now She's afraid that someday Yuri will leave Her.

She went back on the Bed and hugged Him tightly. "Please Yul, Don't leave Me." She cried.

Yuri hugged Her back, kissing Her head.
"I won't, I just felt like I'm not important to You anymore."

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