Chapter 75: Run Devil Run

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How are you guys?? This is another chapter hope you'll like it!

Chapter 75:

Jessica was pacing back and forth in the living room while biting her finger, she's not feeling well ever since Yuri and the guys went away.

She was calling him a while ago but he's not picking up. "What are you doing right now Kwon Yuri?" She mumbled and take her phone out to call her husband once again.

"Jess come on!" She heard Tiffany said, her cousin is wearing a jacket since it's night time now.

Sunny went down from the stairs. "Are you sure with this? They will get mad once they find out we followed." She told them.

Nicole nodded worriedly, she promised Hyoyeon that she'll just wait for him. "My boyfriend will get mad at me." She told them.

Jessica too was having second thoughts in spying the guys. "I promised Yuri that I'll stay here." She said.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "You guys don't get me! Aren't you curious of what they are doing right now?" She asked. "I've been calling my taetae but he's not picking up! Maybe there's girls that's why they don't notice us anymore." She said.

"I'm curious too but I told Yuri that I trust him. And if he finds out I sneak out we will surely fight." Jessica said.

"Whatever! I'll go! If you three don't want to go with me, fine!" Tiffany said and walked to the door.

The three sighed, they can't let her go alone, so they followed her and ride in a car, Jessica volunteered to drive while Tiffany sat at the back seat with Nicole. Sunny was beside Jessica. Sunny was trying to call her husband who promised to take her call but he's not picking up.

"Do you think they're doing something we don't like?" Nicole asked.

"I'm just wishing that they are not! 'Cause once I see them with girls I will surely make a scene!" Sunny told them.

Jessica was quietly wishing to see her husband behave. "Kwon Yuri you better be good or I'll show you hellsica." She thought.

"Damn this midget! He's not picking up!" Tiffany shouted and called her father. And after a few rings Daddy Leo answered. "Hello Dad!" She shouted and put it on speaker.

"What the hell? The music is so loud!" Sunny said.

"Steph! Why are you calling?" Daddy Leo shouted on the other line.

"Dad! What are you doing there? Where's Taeyeon?" She asked.

"Hello? Hello? Honey.. I can't hear you! Daddy is busy.. I will call you later after the party. It's late already, sleep now baby. Okay? Goodnight I love you." Daddy Leo just hang up.

"Dad? Dad.. he just hang up!" She angrily said.

Jessica drive even faster to her husband, she's getting angry hearing loud music and laughs from them.

"You're enjoying yourself too much huh!" She mumbled.

After a few minutes they finally arrived. They quickly hop off and find a good spot to watch.

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