Chapter 39: Tears, Tears, and More Tears!!

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Chapter 39:

Yoong was preparing, he's going to K2 Corporation, the company Taeyeon and Yuri build. He's planning on talking to his brother and try to help fix things up.

It's been almost a week since Yuri last went in the Mansion, and Jessica has been living like a desperate woman, calling and messaging Yuri almost every ten minutes, she wanted to go to K2 but their family has been telling her not to.

The whole house was always quiet, only the babies' noise, Krystal's tantrums and Jessica's loud cry could be heard. It's heartbreaking to hear and worst see her in this state.

Krystal's looking for him, her recital is coming in two days and Yuri promised her that he will come and watch it with Jessica and the Triplets.

While Jessica would only eat because she has to, for their kids. She would always talk to their babies, telling them about Yuri, she records a lot of videos of their babies and Krystal that she will show him when he comes home.

Jessica also wears his shirt, she's been missing him too much, that you would think that she's going crazy. Just last night, she's sitting in front of the house waiting for Yuri, Tiffany and Nicole had been telling her to go inside but she wouldn't budge and just cried. Her Parents couldn't do anything but to watch their pitiful daughter cry every night, waiting for Yuri.

She almost stayed outside until morning if it's not with Taeyeon and Hyoyeon forcefully carried her inside their room. Tiffany and Nicole were the one who would accompany her to bed. Yoong with the Kim siblings went inside their room hearing Jessica's loud cry. She hugged him, asking him if Yuri will show up and go home if she dies.

Hearing this made them cry, even Taeyeon and Hyoyeon cried. He clenched his fist in anger to his brother. He don't understand how could Yuri do this.

Hyoyeon was guilty, he has been tolerating Yuri for the past week, Yuri called him the next day after he left and asked Hyoyeon to send him videos and pictures of his family. So, without everyone knowing he would take pictures and record videos of Jessica and the kids and send it to Yuri.

Taeyeon too is guilty, He's the one who's always sees Yuri but he can't even convince him to go back home. He still don't know why Yuri choose to stay away from Jessica, he asked him once but Yuri refuse to answer, he don't even talk to him if it's not work related. He always see him going out for a lunch with his Secretary. He don't wanna speculate something but the staffs had also been suspecting that something is going on about the two of them

So Now here he is carrying Krystal and her bag, they are going to school first before heading to the office.

Taeyeon drive the car, Yoong was trying to call his brother but he's not answering.

"Unnie always Cwy." Krystal sadly stated. "It makes Kwyshtal Sad."

Krystal would always ask about Yuri and Jessica, it makes them sad seeing the latter crying, especially whenever she sees the triplets, they would remind her of Yuri.

They dropped her to school and they went to the company. After an hour ride they finally arrive.

"I hope Yuri would listen to you." Taeyeon told him as they ride a lift.

"I hope so too. Were going back to Seoul after Krystal's recital. And i want to see them back again."

They arrived at the floor, Taeyeon pointed Yuri's office and he walked his way there.

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