Chapter 62: Loving it in San Francisco

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Love this chapter juseyo!!

Chapter 62:

Krystal woke up and turned to her nephews and niece. She smiled seeing them peacefully sleeping beside each other.

She stood up and went to the bathroom.

While she was busy, the other four kids are starting to wake up one by one.

Irene was the first one to wake up, she did some stretching then turned to hug the eldest of the triplets. She feels lazy to move and just stared at somewhere without getting up.

Minguk, who's always the first one to wake up rolled on the bed and sat up, he blink his eyes a couple of times and pouted. He tilted his head and look at his brothers and cousin then scratch his neck.

He notice Irene is already awake and hugging Daehan then smiled at her, he crawled to her side and stroke her cheek with his two fingers then unconsciously wink at her.

Irene smiled and sat up facing him and did the same thing, the second of the triplets spread his arms and hug his older cousin. Minguk is always the sweet one.

"Koo koo." Irene said with her morning voice.

Krystal went out of the bathroom and saw the two. "Good Morning Kookie, good morning Hyunnie!!" She greeted and hugged the two.

The eldest of them took out their toys and they started playing again, while their parents are still in deep slumber.


Yuri woke up with numb body, he tried to move but something heavy is restraining him to do so. He opened his eyes and found his wife comfortably sleeping on top of him.

He slowly turned his body to put her on the bed but Jessica hold onto him tightly. She clung onto him even more that made him feel her bare peaks and he felt hot early in the morning.

"Baby.. i will prepare us breakfast." Yuri told his wife.

Jessica shake her head. "I want to stick on you all day." She said.

"Taeyeon and I will go out to do grocery shopping baby, you can't come with us, no one will take good care of the six babies." He said.

Jessica look at him. "There's only five babies here Seobang."

"Tiffany is a baby too." He told her that made Jessica chuckle.

She nodded and sat up to prepare for the day, Yuri sat up too. They shared loving stares at each other before they both went to the bathroom to shower.

The two of them went out of the room and went straight to the Kids' room. "Hello Morning Angels!!" Jessica greeted and kneeled down.

Krystal greeted them with a kiss, Jessica kiss the other kids too.

"How was your sleep baby?" Yuri asked Krystal as he carried her.

The little girl hugged him tight. "Krystal had a very good dream." She said. He smiled and kissed her cheek.

He then felt a small hand tugging his pants, he look down and saw Irene raising her hands to him.

"Papa's girl is here." He smiled and bend down to take her. "My two favorite baby girls." He said and smiled.

Irene buried her face on his neck. "Papa." She mumbled.

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