Chapter 33: Hana, Dul, Set... Let's Go!!

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Chapter 33:

Jessica and Yuri will bring Krystal to school, the two of them decided to just walk since it's just near, and it's good for Jessica to walk around.

Krystal's in her tantrums and doesn't want to walk, so Yuri just carried her with his right arm while his left hand is holding Jessica's hand.

"Baby, can Oppa and Unnie hear you sing?" Yuri requested.

"No!" Krystal shortly said and buried her face on his neck.

"Are you feeling sick baby?" He asked worriedly. Krystal shook her head.

"Kwyshtal tiwed." She answered.

"How can you be tired when you're not even walking?" Jessica asked laughing.

"Just tiwed." She said. And when they went near the school Krystal suddenly wiggled, wanting to be put down.

"What's happening to you baby?" Yuri asked.

"Kwyshtal's boyfwiend will see Oppa and will be jealous." She said without looking at them. She's looking at the gate.

The couple was shocked to hear that from her. Yuri kneeled down and made her face him.

"Your what baby?" He asked. His blood is rushing on his face in annoyance.

"Kwyshtal's boyfwiend, he's six yeaws old. And handsome too." She proudly told her now raging Oppa.

"No! You can't have a boyfriend. You're still a baby." Yuri strictly told her. But she is stubborn.

"No! Kwyshtal have a boyfwiend, like Unnie." She said and smiled at somewhere- someone rather. "Oh that's Kwyshtal's boyfwiend!" She pointed.

Jessica and Yuri looked at the person she's pointing. "Aww he's so cute! I guess Krystal's good in picking her boyfriend huh. Like Unnie like baby." She proudly said. Feeling happy for her sister.

Yuri was getting even angry hearing Jessica's supportive comment. He can't let Krystal get stolen by other boys.

The little boy ran to them and greeted them good morning. "Aww such a sweet and polite kid!" Jessica patted his hair and Yuri glared at her.

"Hello, my name is Suho Kim. Good to meet you." He introduced himself like a 'gentle-kid' that he is.

"Suho, this is Kwyshtal's Jessica Unnie and Yuwee Oppa." Krystal introduced the couple to her 'boyfriend' Suho extend his hand for a shake.

Jessica elbowed him, Yuri looked at Jessica frowning and she just pointed the hand of the little kid. Yuri shook his hands hesitantly, Jessica extended her hand for a handshake but was surprised to get a kiss on her forehand.

"Krystal has such a beautiful Sister." He winked at Jessica that made her squealed like a teenage girl.

"You are such a sweet talker Suho!" She pinched his cheeks. Yuri clenched his teeth in anger.

"Well, my mommy told me not to lie, i'm just telling the truth Noona." He said with another wink.

"Suho, let's go!" Krystal hurriedly pulled Suho but Yuri stopped them.

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