Part 26

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I took my time in the spring and enjoyed warm water that once again lulled me to sleep. I probably slept most of my time in this island. Not like that was my fault.

After cleaning myself of murky water leftovers and all warmed up, I got out of the pink spring only to notice that I forgot to ask for new clothes. Not knowing what to do I just stood there and looked at my filthy dress. I was definitely not wearing that. My attention went to cleaning cloths, but all were too short for them to cover my whole body. Not having any choice I sighed and went to the entrance of the living quarters.

I stood behind the wall and leaned to my right so that only my head was shown. My eyes landed on Tlaloc who had his back to me and was doing something by the table across the room where I saw weapons neatly laid. With my new found creep side I stood there for a moment and stared at his back. He was only wearing his fur kilt so I could see his back muscles that still amazed me. He must be working out daily.

With my stare my brain reminded me of the moment we had 20 or so minutes ago and I felt myself blush. Leaning back behind the wall I lightly hit my cheeks.

Don't get attached to him. He is old, you are here only for two or three days, he doesn't like you....

I threw all denies I could find just to get him out of my head, but his hugs were too strong. My mind reminded all of them, showed me Tlaloc's concerned face and how much attention he showed me. Three times more than my household showed me for the past three or four years.

I hid my face in my hands. Was I really in love with him already?

No. Don't be naive and forget about him.

I leaned back and looked at Tlaloc again. This time, he must have felt my stare because he half turned to me and rose an eyebrow. When our eyes met it felt like time stopped and butterflies jumped into action.

'Why are you hiding?' He asked and I blinked back into reality.

'Umm... do you have spare clothes for me?' I asked and turned my eyes away from him, but butterflies didn't go away.

'Right. They are over there' he showed me to crates neatly put opposite of the bed. I looked at them and saw that there was no way for me to get them without Tlaloc seeing me. My eyes travelled back to Tlaloc who had his back again to me. I didn't move from my spot.

'Tlaloc' I called him and noticed him freeze which he was doing a lot recently. Maybe he doesn't like being called Tlaloc. I never actually thought about that. It made me worried, but when he turned around and rose his brow again, I knew he wasn't angry.

'Could you bring them to me?'

He looked at me for a moment and then a small smirk appeared on his face. Turning fully to me he leaned to the table and crossed his arms before him. When he didn't move I sighed.

'Fine, I'll put the dirty dress back on' I said and walked back into the bathroom. Of course I will wash it first. 

Going to the table with all oils placed before me, I thought of which one to choose. After a quick sniffing session, I decided to clean it with nettle oil. At least it smelled like nettle. Before I could pick the bowl, I felt arms hug me from behind. Startled, I yelped grabbing one of the cleaning cloths and covered my chest with it. A deep chuckle rang by my ear and it sent shivers down my spine.

'You look beautiful with no clothes on' Tlaloc's deep voice mixed with a growl rang by my ear again and I felt his lips on my shoulder. He trailed up my neck with his kisses and bit my earlobe, earning a gasp from me. He didn't go further than that and placing a bundle of new clothes on the table he kissed my cheek.

'Can't wait to see all of you' he whispered in my ear as if someone might hear him, and walked away, leaving me alone. I felt my cheeks go warm and red as I touched my neck. Before my mind could begin working on that moment, I shook my head and took the bundle. 

Tlaloc brought me a fur skirt with thic leather top and it reminded me of the girls that were with the Herbalist. He also brought me fur shoes that looked almost like moccasins and leather wrist braces. Putting them on, I braided my wet hair and finally left the spring.

Tlaloc was sitting by the fire and was making something out of wood. I walked to him and before I could even blink, Tlaloc pulled me to him and sat me before him, just like before, but I didn't let him continue because I was still blushing from the 'I like what I see' moment minutes before. Instead, I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying his warm body. He pulled me closer so that our bodies were glued and continued working.

'How long will I need to stay here with you according to your traditions?' I asked after a moment of silence. 

'Our traditions. Seven days will be enough' he corrected me without stopping his work and I hummed.

'Can you tell me about this Harvest festival I heard you talking about' I asked and felt him place another kiss on my neck before resuming his work.

'The Harvest festival is the day when we honor our God of Death and Fertility. On that day he managed to mark and claim our Goddess of Birth as his partner. During the festival one woman is chosen to dance before the tribe an the God in order to bring fertility to the tribe's women and peace to the departing old ones' He explained and I caught myself listening to him with all attention. Their religion was really interesting so far.

'Will there be t-the....' I tried to ask, but my stomach didn't let me as Jack appeared before my eyes.

'No. There won't be any sacrifice because we will be doing something else.' Tlaloc answered me cryptically and I sighed in relief. I was definitely not ready to see another innocent life taken away.

'Doing something else?' I cought up with Tlaloc and he chuckled, placing another kiss on my neck that brought back butterflies.

'It will depend on the chosen woman.' He answered not giving any real answer what-so-ever. 

'I see' I said and nuzzled to his neck, closing my eyes in the process. Soon I was half asleep from the comfortable position and warmth radiated by Tlaloc, but a voice from the entrance made all the sleep go away.

'Alpha, may I have a word with you?' Allan asked Tlaloc and I felt myself freeze.


Plan B activated.

Merry Christmas everybody! I give you this chapter and Allan appearance as a gift. 🎄🎁

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