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Theme Song: Alicia Keys - Lesson Learned

Nobody's P.O.V.

"I don't care. Have it here in 1 hour. No excuses!!", Mr. Perez said in a very demanding tone.

"But Mr. Perez, we can't-"

Mr. Perez gave him a sarcastic scowl as he cut Carter, his assistant, off mid-sentence. Carter backed down

"Does it look like I give a damn?!"

"N-no, sir."

"Then what the hell are you waiting for?! I don't pay y'all to not follow my instructions!! Now, I want that meeting set in 1 hour. No ifs, ands, or buts. Understood?", he stated calmly.

"Yes, Mr. Perez."

"Good. You may leave now.", he stated.

Carter left the room, finally gasping for air. Mr. Perez, or his real name, Jacob. Jacob Perez is one of the most short-tempered people he has ever met. No one really understood Jacob. Only the fact that he owned Outsiders Ink., one of the most famous corporations for clothing designs known to man. He is also quite the ladies' man. His breathtaking looks had all of the ladies at his feet. With his mesmerizing light-brown eyes and his perfect curly afro, topping with his outstanding features. He is simply irresistible!

He never really lets people in, making him seem so mysterious to others. No one really knew how he got to the top or where he comes from. No one even knew how old he was. He's kept his private life just that. Private.

Even in everything he's accomplished as far as his success, he never likes to really talk about money. He's grateful for all he has but he doesn't let money identify him. He doesn't let money control, consume, or change him. Money comes to him through his expenses. It's like the more he spends, the more money he gains.

"Mr. Perez wants the meeting set in 1 hour.", Carter whispered in a serious tone.

"What?! Impossible!!!", Chloe shouted.

"Well, he always gets what he wants. So, if you don't want to hear him flashing out on you, me, or anybody else, then I STRONGLY suggest that you do yourself and all of us a favor and find the time to schedule this damn meeting!", Carter yelled in frustration.

"Okay, okay!!!", Chloe yelled.

Nobody's P.O.V.

"Was this how I was supposed to live my life?", Alicia asked herself as she walked the streets alone.

Cold, hungry, tired....homeless. She could barely remember the last time she ate a real meal, which was a feast back at the orphanage a few weeks ago. Now here she is. It's past midnight and she has nowhere to go. 

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