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"Don't forget to take out the trash", I said, folding the clothes that I just took out of the dryer.

"I'm exhausted. Can't you do it??", he groaned as he dropped his body onto the couch, resting his head back.

Minghao would always help me around the house but ever since his group has been promoted to do bigger and better things, he's been coming home late and leaves me to do all the cleaning at home.

"But I've been cleaning all day", I said.

"So what?? I've been at work since 3 in the morning! I'm tired! For once, I just want to come home and rest!", he yelled, startling me.

He's never yelled me before. Before the tears could fall from my eyes, I put down the clothes and headed towards my bedroom. Minghao sighed and knew he could've reasoned with me without hurting my feelings. He stood up, ignoring the pain on his back, and walked into the room where I was.

He saw my body laying down on the bed, covered under the blankets. He could hear my sniffling and felt worse. He had made you cry and only knew one way to cheer you up.

He walked over to the kitchen and snapped his fingers as he found the last piece of chocolate cake that was stored inside a to-go box. When he had the cake in his hands, he walked right back into the room. He sat down on the floor with his back resting on the side of the bed.

"This chocolate cake tastes really good. But I'm getting full. If only there was someone else who could help me finish this", he said.

I peeked to see a very delicious chocolate cake that was on a plate. My mouth kept salivating and tried to resist.

"I know! Maybe I should give it to the neighbor. Chocolate cake is his favorite. But then again, I recall someone else who's favorite dessert is chocolate cake...but who can that be?", he asked, taking a glance at me.

I dug my head back inside the blankets and ignored the noise that came from my stomach. All I could hear was shuffling.

"(Y/n), do you want this chocolate cake?", I heard him ask.

"", I mumbled under the sheets.

"Really? I guess I'm just gonna have to give it to the neighbor", he said.

I heard him stand up. I was about to let him leave until the noise that came from my stomach got louder.

"Wait!", I moved the blanket from my body and sat up.

"Yes?", he said, turning around.

"Bring it here", I sighed.

He smiled, knowing I always fall for his tricks. He sat down next to me on the bed and handed the plate over to me.

"I'm sorry (y/n). I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm just really tired. You know I'll always love to help you around the house but today just killed me", he said.

"No I'm sorry. I guess I never really think about how hard you work", I said.

"It's okay", he said, lightly groaning as he held onto his lower back.

"Are you okay?", I asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I just fell down a few steps from the stairs and landed on my back. I'll be okay though", he said.

"Let me see", I said, putting the plate down and pulling his shirt up.

I gasped as I saw the huge bruise on his back. I ran towards my bathroom and got the first aid kit. I told him to lay flat on his stomach.

"(Y/n), I'm fin-"

"Lay down", I demanded.

He noticed the concerned look on my face so he laid flat on his stomach. I took the ointment and carefully massaged it onto the bruise. He winced in pain.

"You need to be careful next time. You could've seriously gotten hurt. Well...more than this. What were you doing anyways?", I asked.

"Um...I was actually looking at my phone", he chuckled embarrassingly.

"What did I tell you about that?? Who were you texting this time?", I asked.

"I wasn't texting. I was looking for what to get you for your birthday", he said.

My hands stopped massaging. I was a little surprised because we never get each other anything for our birthday. Mostly because we didn't want to feel burdened.

"What? I thought we agreed-"

"I know. But you were talking about how much you love painting. So when I saw this amazing art package, I thought it would be perfect for you. It has plenty of brushes and paint and all of the tools that you need. That's one of the reasons why I decided to work weekends too. I really wanted to get it for you", he said, sitting back up to face me.

"Why? I mean, we've had this agreement for three years. Why now?", I asked.

"...because...I like you", he said.

I almost choked on my saliva. I didn't expect him to admit these types of feelings. It's all overwhelming.

"I..Uh....have to bandage up your back so you won't feel any discomfort", I said, lightly blushing.

I grabbed the gauze from the kit and got closer to him. My hand were shaking as I wrapped up the bruise. When I was done, he took my hand in his and placed it over his chest. I could feel his heart beating fast.

"Just in case you didn't believe me", he said.

I looked up at him with flushed cheeks. How is it that one minute I saw him as my best friend and now he makes me want to hug him and never let go.

"You don't need to say anything if you don't want to. Just know that I'm still getting you that birthday present. Screw the agreement", he smiled down at me.

He got off of my bed and began to walk out. I did what I never thought I would do. I ran towards him and tightly hugged him. He winced and I apologized, forgetting about the bruise on his back. He chuckled and wrapped my arms around him so he could let me continue to hug him.

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