Hoshi (Pt. 1)

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Requested by @ShinSunJung

You were sitting down on a bench as Soonyoung was doing his audition. He'd been talking about this for weeks now. He was so nervous that he almost did not want to come but you convinced him. You had noticed a girl coming out of the building. The same girl who was flirting with your boyfriend right in front of you. She smiled happily as she walked towards her friends.You glanced over at the building and sighed, hoping he'll get it.

After a few minutes of waiting, Soonyoung came out with a smile on his face. You stood up and waited for him to speak.

"Well everything went well. They said I'll be getting a call later this week. Should we go celebrate?", he smiled.

"Yeah I think that's a-"

"Soonyoung oppa!", the girl from earlier called out, waving at him.

"Eunjin, how'd your audition go?", he asked, facing her as she walked towards him.

"Great! They said I had a very amazing singing voice. And I don't think I need to ask how your audition went. You're really an amazing dancer and singer. You're gonna get it. I know it", she smiled.

In your head, you're imagining kicking her and snatching that fake weave. She can't be that flawless.

"Thanks but I'm not sure. Anyways, imma go celebrate with (y/n). Wanna join?", he asked her.

"Uh Soonyoung-"

"Sure! I'd love to", she smiled.

You slightly pouted as he grabbed your hand and walked towards a cafe.

The three of you ordered drinks and sat down at a table near the window. You watched as Soonyoung and Eunjin were talking about the auditions. You felt a little left out.

You swirled the straw around, causing the whip cream to disappear into the drink. You rested your chin on the palm of your hand and glanced at Eunjin. She looks so beautiful, it looks like she's not even wearing any makeup. Her hair can't be real. No one has their hair that long and shiny. Maybe she is wearing a weave. But you bet without it she'll look amazing as well.

"You should give me your number. We can hang out if we end up moving to Seoul", she said.

You almost choked on your drink. Soonyoung gave you a napkin and pat your back.

"Move to Seoul? What is she talking about?", you asked.

"Well if we pass our auditions, we have to move to Seoul for training. Did I not mention that part?", he asked, laughing awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"No you didn't", you said, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Uh I should get going. Call me if you pass", she smiled, standing up to walk out.


"What if you pass? Are you actually going to Seoul?", you asked.

"Of course I am. I wouldn't have auditioned if I wasn't going to", he said.

"But what about me? You never mentioned anything about moving. Did you forget about me?", you asked.

"Of course not. You can come with me", he said.

"I'm fifteen!", you raised your voice, causing to get other people's attention.

"(Y/n), we can make this work. If you can't come with me then we'll talk on the phone and schedule dates and when to meet up. It's not that hard", he said.

"It is if you just decide to leave me behind. I don't like long distance relationships. You know that. I'm gonna always be worrying about who you're with. I'm even gonna worry more now that she might pass. You two seemed very comfortable talking to each other", you said.

"What the hell does that suppose to mean??", he asked, offended.

"It means you like her! She was flirting with you and you didn't even say anything to her. Does she even know that I'm your girlfriend??", you asked, becoming frustrated.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing", he said.

"You're not even denying it", she said, glaring at him.

"What do you want me to say? I stop hanging out with her because you don't like her?? I can hang out with whoever I want just like when you hang out with your ex boyfriend", he said.

"Really? You're going with that?? We're good friends!", you said.

"Then hang out with him!", he said.

"Fine I will!", you yelled before standing up and quickly walked away from him.

As you walked home, you feel tears going down your face. You didn't bother wiping them away. Your heart was hurting. What happened? An hour ago you were talking to him about how proud you were for him.

When you arrived home, you locked yourself in your bedroom and covered yourself in blankets, crying your eyes out.


A few days pass. Soonyoung texts you one word sentences until he texted saying he passed the audition and he'll be leaving at the end of the week. You were upset and couldn't bare the idea of him leaving. He'd been calling for the next few days until the day comes. You decided to face him.

You went over to his house and as you arrived, you can see him carrying a few boxes into a car. When he saw you, he placed the box down and walked over towards you.

"Hey", he said.

"Hey...", you said.

"I didn't think you were gonna come. I'm glad you did", he said.

"Soonyoung...I don't want you to leave", you said.

His smile disappeared. He scratched the top of his head and looked at you.

"I have to go. I already signed the contract", he said.

"But...it's not fair", you said.

"I know. But I did say that we can call each other on the phone. We can make this work (y/n)", he said, grabbing your hands.

"Hey Soonyoung, where do you want this box?"

You turned yo see Eunjin coming out of the house with a box. You frowned and pulled your hands away.

"What is she doing here?", you asked.

"She offered to help", he said.

"Did she pass as well?", you asked.

"Yeah. We're gonna be under the same company", he said.

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest, showing dissatisfaction on your face.

"So you'll be seeing her almost everyday", you said.

"Yeah? And?", he raised an eyebrow.

"And? Don't you care at all?? She's obviously trying to get with you and you're not telling her to back off! This is why I don't want you to hang out with her!", you yelled.

"I have no interest in her. Don't you trust me at all??", he asked.

"Not with her around", you said.

"You're overreacting", he said.

"Oh really?..fine. I don't care. Not anymore. Enjoy your life with her", you said before walking away.

"(Y/n)!", he called out.

You didn't listen to him and ran, hoping you wouldn't cry but obviously failed.

You locked yourself in your bedroom once again, crying for at least a few days.

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