Dino (Pt. 1)

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"Dino, I'm home", I said, closing the front door behind me.

I placed my purse on the kitchen counter and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I didn't hear any noise or response from him so I looked around. When I checked inside my four year old son's bedroom, I smiled as I saw Dino cuddling on the small bed with my son. I slightly closed the door and headed towards the kitchen. I was about to cook dinner but noticed dishes on the stove.

"Hm..he must have cooked", I said as I placed the food into Tupperware.

I put the food away and walked towards the couch, sighing as I sat down. I took off my shoes and tried massaging my feet but I struggled.

"Want me to help?"

Dino smiled as he sat down in front of me, grabbing my feet to massage them. I thanked him and rested back while rubbing my stomach.

"Don't worry, you're close to your due date so you'll have a break from work. I just don't know why you didn't take maternity leave", he said.

"Well I don't have a choice now. I got fired", I mumbled.

"What?? Why?", he asked, sitting down next to me.

"Some lady kept judging me about being pregnant and not being married. She just kept saying things that got me angry and I said some things back to her. I didn't think my boss was there but he saw the whole thing and he told me that that was my last warning. What am I gonna do? I can't get a job now that this baby is almost coming. What am I gonna do about bills and baby stuff?", I groaned as I covered my face with my hands.

"Where's your boyfriend? He's supposed to be helping you isn't he? I mean, this is his second child", Dino said.

"He's not...around", I mumbled.

"He left??", Dino asked.

"Yeah he left. He left when I told him I was pregnant", I said.

"Wait...so you've been lying to me for the past few months? If I knew this, I would've been there for you. I would've stayed here with you instead of going out of states", he said.

"Yeah but you're not their father. You've done so much already. This isn't your responsibility", I said.

"What have I been telling you for the past five years?? You know my feelings towards you. Now why would you stay with a guy who doesn't even pay attention to you or your kids than be with me who would do anything to keep you and your family happy?", he asked.

"It's complicated", I mumbled.

"What's complicated?? You won't have to suffer financially. You know I love spending time with your son and I know I will love spending time with your daughter. Now what's the problem?", he asked.

"You have your life ahead of you. You have your career. Why would you ruin that?", I asked.

"Who said choosing you will ruin my life? If anything, it'll make my life 1,000% better. You know I love you. More than that jerk does", he said, softening his voice.

I turned my attention towards the front door. My boyfriend walked in while staring at us.

"H-Hey..you're back", I said, standing up.

"What the hell is he doing here?", he asked.

"I could say the same thing about you", Dino said.

"I live here", my boyfriend said.

"Oh really? Didn't seem like it since you've been gone for the past nine months. So you think you can come back, avoid child support, and act as if everything is alright between the two of you and then you'll take advantage by making her do everything while you stay out late? Just admit you don't want part of it. She doesn't deserve this and neither do these kids. You'll be doing us a favor if you leave", Dino said.

My boyfriend was getting angry and charged up to him but I stood in between them.

"Dino just...just go home okay", I said.

"Are you serious? You're staying with this prick?", Dino asked, disgusted.

"Dino he's their father", I said.

"Right. Well then I guess you know what you want", Dino said, passing by me while glaring at my boyfriend.

"Dino Wait-" I flinched when he slammed the door.

"Cheer up babe. I'm kinda hungry. Make me something to eat yeah?", my boyfriend sat down on the couch while turning on the tv.

I stared at the door for a few seconds, debating whether I should go after him.

"I'm not getting any younger", my boyfriend said.

I sighed and headed towards the kitchen.

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