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You watched your boyfriend as he practiced with his friends. His dancing never failed to put a smile on your face. When you first met him, that's what caught your attention. He always offered if he could teach you to dance but you refuse.

You sighed as you rested your chin on your knee. Your friend that was sitting next to you chuckled and shook her head.

"You are so in love with him. And I am so jealous. The only person my loser boyfriend is in love with is himself. He can never turn away from a mirror, like seriously", she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Then break up with him. You can find someone better", you said.

"Really? Who? Because he was the only one that was interested in me", she said.

You looked at your boyfriend before glancing around the room. Your eyes had landed on one of his friends, which gave you an idea.

"I think I know who", you smirked.


"Hey Seungkwan", you smiled as he was thinking about what to get from the vending machine.

"Hey", he said.

"What are you up to?", you asked.

"Getting something to drink. Should I get regular water or sparkling water?", he asked.

"Um..not sure. Anyways..I gotta talk to you about something. You're single, right?", you asked.

"Whoa..I thought you were with Hoshi..I'm not interested", he said, raising his hands in the air.

"Not me you idiot. My friend is having trouble trying to be happy and her old boyfriend was the cause of it. Do you think you can ask her out for coffee or something?", you asked.

"Really? Why me?", he asked.

"Because out of all the guys, you have a lot in common with her. Please, you won't regret it", you pleaded.

"Fine. I've been interested in her ever since she gave me a chocolate bar", he said.

"Thank you! You have no idea how happy you made me", you squealed as you hugged him tightly.

Hoshi walked in on you two hugging, feeling uncomfortable as he saw how close you were with his friend. When Seungkwan noticed Hoshi, he cleared his throat and pulled away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh hey Hoshi, good news. He's gonna go out with my friend. Isn't that great??", you smiled happily.

"Sure", he shrugged his shoulders while continuing to walk.

You raised an eyebrow and followed him. He was walking a bit too fast.

"What's wrong?", you asked.

"Nothing", he said.

He walked into the room where they take their breaks, taking out a water bottle from his bag. Obviously there was something wormy since he never turns his back on you.

"Not nothing. Something. Did I do something?", you asked, sitting on the chair in front of him.

"Why don't you go ask Seungkwan. You seemed pretty cozy while hugging him.

Then it dawned on you. He was jealous. You couldn't help but giggle. You never had a problem with him being jealous so seeing him like this was cute.

"You think it's funny?", he scoffed.

"A little. You're jealous of Seungkwan. He's like my brother. Besides, I will never have feelings towards someone other than you", you smiled.

"Really? So if someone better looking, smart, tall, and has more talent than me comes around, you're not gonna go running towards him?", he asked.

"...it depends who you're describing because if it's Park Seo Joon then I'm on board", you joked.

He rolled his eyes and began walking away. You quickly wrapped his arms around him while laughing.

"I'm just kidding. Park Seo Joon has nothing on you. Plus he's like eight years older than me. Well..age doesn't matter to me but still..I wouldn't leave you for someone else", you said.

He looked down at you, a thin line being created by his lips. You were guessing he didn't like the joke so you quickly pecked his lips.

"You have nothing to worry about. I'm all yours", you smiled.

"Alright. I forgive you", he stuck out his tongue.

He walked backed towards his bag and skimmed inside it.

"Should I be worried?", you asked.

"I'm not telling you", he chuckled, glanced over his shoulder and smirked.

"Do I know her? Is she prettier than me? Is she skinny? How old is she? How long have you known her? Is she here now? Where does she live? Have you been alone with her? Tell me", you kept asking questions after questions.

"Now who's the jealous one?", he smiled before kissing you and walked away.

"No really, who is she?", you asked while following him.

"You really wanna know that badly?", he asked.

"Yessss", you said, frustrated.

He stopped walking and turned around to face you. He grabbed your purse and took out the small mirror to put it inches away from my face.

"You shouldn't be worried either. My eyes only look at you", he smiled.

You rolled your eyes at his cheesiness. You put away the small mirror back in your purse before Hoshi intertwined your hands together.
When you two walked into the practice room, you can see Seungkwan talking to your friend.

"Look, aren't they so cute together??", you asked while leaning against Hoshi's arm.

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?", he asked.

"Nope not anymore. She broke up with him. I told Seungkwan that he broke up with her though. I didn't know he liked her", you said.

"Yeah. He was kinda sad when he found out she had a boyfriend. He was actually gonna ask her out but he's such a chicken. I'm surprised he went up to her", he said.

"Remember how we met?", you asked, slightly blushing.

"Yeah. You kept staring at me while I was practicing. I thought it was creepy at first. I was gonna tell you to stop staring at me but you accidentally yelled out that you like me. It was funny", he chuckled.

"I was nervous", you playfully hit his arm.

He  smiled and wrapped his arms around you before kissing you.

"Yuck! Go do that somewhere else", Seungkwan said, holding your friends hand.

"Oh quiet you. I'm pretty sure you two will be doing that really soon", you smirked, causing them to fluster up.

They awkwardly laughed and walked away. Hoshi looked back at you with sparkles in his eyes.

"What? Do I have something on my face?", you asked.

"No. I just...love you", he hesitated due to nerves.

You can feel your heart beating rapidly.

"You beat me to it...I was gonna tell you that but I just didn't know how", you said.

"Tell me what?", he smirked.

"That...I love you also", you said.

He smiled widely and immediately kissed you, not caring about whether his friends were watching.

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