S. Coups (Pt. 2)

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You were sitting on the couch, waiting for your husband to get home. You called him about two hours ago, leaving another voicemail. At first it was just every other weekend but then it turned into a daily thing. When you heard the door open, you stood up and sighed as you saw your husband struggling to walk. You can smell the alcohol from across the room.

"You really need to stop drinking", you said.

"Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing. It's my life", he slurred his words.

"This isn't good for you", you said.

"And how do you know?? You don't know what I feel!", he yelled.

"Stop yelling. And do you really think that was appropriate to say?? It's been three months Seungcheol. I was the one to carry her for 9 months. I was the one to feel the pain emotionally and physically. I almost died. You don't get to say that I don't know how you feel. She was my daughter too. I'm hurting too. But you're too busy drinking to even notice. We lost her. Do you wanna lose me too? Because I'm tired of having you come home drunk and not care about me", you cried.

You turned away and dug your face onto the palm of your hands. At first you thought Seungcheol wouldn't care and just walk away but he placed his hands on your arms.

"Let me just have a few minutes to clean up a bit and we'll go for a walk Okay?", he kissed your temple and walked towards the bathroom.

You sat on the couch and continued to cry. You weren't sure that it was possible to feel so much. Seungcheol came back after a few minutes and sat down next to you. He wrapped his arm around you while you kept crying.

"I'm sorry. I was just too excited to have her here with us and didn't even think about your feelings. I'm really sorry", he said.

"It's fine. And drinking is never the problem when your sad. You drink you cause more problems for you. I want my husband back", you mumbled onto his chest.

"I'll stop. I promise we'll get better. We can't keep blaming one another. It's not gonna bring her back", he said.

You sighed and looked up at Seungcheol. When you were younger, maybe mid-teens, you always thought you were gonna end up with guys who treated you horribly, like your mother. You had to keep telling yourself that you can do so much better than her.

Seungcheol has been the only boyfriend you've had and you're glad you didn't listen to anyone else who said that being with one person your entire life will bore you. Seungcheol doesn't bore you one bit. Even at times when the room is silent, it's not boring. Actually it makes you feel closer to him.

"I love you Seungcheol", you said.

"I love you too. I love you so much", he whispered while kissing your forehead.


The next morning, Seungcheol has woken up earlier than you. He was making breakfast while the smell of it woke you up. Your stomach began to make noises so you quickly walked over to the kitchen and was amazed by all the food that he cooked.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?", he asked.

"Great. Except that you kept moving around and you accidentally elbowed me right on the nose", you chuckled.

"Really? I should fix that then", he smiled and placed a kiss on your nose, causing you to giggle.

"What's up with this? You never make breakfast", you said.

"It's kind of a way of making it up to you. You know, these past few weeks making things he'll for you. You've been making breakfast for me everyday. It's time for me to return the favor", he said.

"But I don't do it because I have to. I love making breakfast for you. I actually had something planned out but seeing as if you cooked a whole buffet, I guess now I don't have to", you said.

You sat down on the table and began to eat.

"Can I ask you something?", he asked.

"Sure", you said with your mouth full.

"You never really got to tell me what happened. How did you fall?", he asked.

You had stopped eating and played with your fingers.

"Remember my ex best friend? Well when I was sitting near the lake, she and her group came up to me and started bothering me. I told her some stuff and I guess one of them didn't like it so as I passed them, one of them tripped me. She was the one who called the ambulance but she didn't stay. I felt like if I hadn't said anything, none of that would've happened", you said.

"But it's not your fault. That girl should be charged. Do you know where she lives? Something needs to happen to her", he said.

"I'm sorry. I don't", you sighed.

"Well...let's not worry about that now. Just eat your breakfast", he softly smiled.


"Do you remember the time you asked me to prom?", you asked.

"I try not to. It was the most embarrassing moments of my life", he said.

You and Seungcheol were laying on the couch as you reminisced. His hand was drawing little circles on your arm.

"It was sweet. You got the whole football team involved. No one has ever done that before. I really enjoyed prom with you. And other things as well that I enjoyed. Like my 19th birthday. You laid out candles on the floor and it lead to the backyard. We had a picnic. That was the first time you told me you love me.", you smiled.

"I can't believe it took me four years to tell you that I love you", he chuckled.

"No I get it. I understand why. You were scared. Both of our parents disapproved of our relationship. I was scared too", you said.

"You're happy right? You're not sick of me?", he asked.

"Of course I'm happy. And I'm not sick of you. When we got married, I made a promise to you, to stay by your side for better or for worse. I meant what I said. I wake up happy everyday", you said.

He smiled and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"I have to go to work soon but I don't want to. I just wanna stay here with you", he whined.

"You've missed work five times already. One more and they'll fire you. You can't afford to get fired", you said.

"Alright boss I'll get going", he joked and stood up.

You watched him as he walked into the bedroom. Many people are wrong when they say one person will bore you. One person can be more than enough for a life time.

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