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"Seokmin, are you coming over to my house today?", you asked, walking next to him.

"I don't know. Should I?", he teasingly smirked while looking up.

"What do you mean? You said you were going to", you pouted.

"I don't know. I seem to remember someone saying I couldn't go with her to the festival because she chose someone else", he sang, keeping his eyes somewhere else other than you.

"Oh come on, you can't be mad at me because of that. Either way, he stood me up remember? Do you really have to remind me of that?", you mumbled while pouting, crossing your arms over your chest as you walked faster than him.

He smiled while putting an arm around you, kissing your cheek to make you feel better but from the look on your face, he can sense you were still upset.

"I'm your best friend. Isn't my job to tease you and then make you feel better if I take it too far?", he cooed, pinching my cheeks while making kissing sounds.

"I'm not a baby", you mumbled.

"You're four years younger than me. You're like my baby sister. And anyways I told you not to go out with that guy. Didn't I say he was trouble? Yes I did. You should take my word next time", he said.

"Maybe I should kick your a-", Seokmin covered your mouth with his hand.

"Language. Remember the last time you cussed in front of me? Do I have to tickle you again?", he asked.

"If you tickle me, I will kick you", you stood in front of him, on your tippy toes while poking at his chest.

He smiled lovingly at you. He enjoyed every time you act like you're taller and much more mature than him. All he can see is a baby arguing with an adult.

"Come on, we're gonna be late for school", he said, holding your hand as he pulled your forward.


Every time you're at school, Everton gives you these weird stares and they whisper under your breath. You know what they talk about but you try not to pay attention to any of it.

They all think that just because you and Seokmin are so close, it means that there are feelings involved. You have always looked up to Seokmin as a big brother but just repeating the words 'her boyfriend' or 'they like each other', it's making your heart race and you don't understand why. You didn't have a problem with skinship before but now you just jump as if you were startled.

"So since you're new, I'm gonna drop you off at your class. But my class isn't gonna be over until 4 so you're gonna have to wait for me. Is that alright with you?", he asked.

"I started school two weeks ago Seokmin. I can walk by myself", you chuckled.

"I know that. But I'd rather walk with you. It makes me feel good", he smiled.

Since people at your old school kept bullying you, you had to transfer. Luckily, Seokmin helped you get into his university. He only has a few months left to graduate but you had three years left.

"Remember to wait for me near the benches, Alright", Seokmin smiled before he dropped you off at your class.

Science has always been your favorite. But ever since you transferred, there has been this guy that would always stare at you. He sat a few desks away from you but you can always see him from the corner of your eye.

When class was over, you waited near the benches just like Seokmin said. You smiled as you watched people pass by. About five minutes of sitting, someone blocked your way of watching two birds. You followed up the body and met eyes with the guy that would stare at you.

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