Jeonghan (Pt. 2)

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You've been driving for almost three hours already. Your back was hurting and you were getting a bit hungry so you decided to stop for a break. While parking your car behind a fast food place, you heard weird breathing. Hand shaking as you turned off the engine, you were about to turn around but didn't get the chance as you felt a hand cover your mouth, a small cloth in between. You tried not to breath but as how startled you were, you couldn't. You fell unconscious a few seconds later.


When you woke up, your hands and feet were tied up with rope. You spent a few seconds trying to set yourself free but froze when you heard voices across from you. Lifting your head up, you noticed the same two men from yesterday along with one you don't recognize.

"Well, you're awake", the unfamiliar man said.

His eyes were grey, much different than the other two and Jeonghan. His jet black hair was flipped back, giving him a more scary and prominent look.

"W-Where am I?", you asked, looking around the room.

"You don't need to know that", the man said, walking towards you.

He grabbed a chunk of your hair and pulled your head to the side, noticing the two small punctures you had on your neck.

"You weren't supposed to bite her you idiot", the man said, faxing the other two.

"We didn't. We were going to until her boyfriend showed. Anyways, where is he? It's been an hour already", one of them said.

The man with grey eyes leaned down to be inches away from your face, placing his hand under your chin. You were too afraid to move.

"Where is he?", he asked.

"I don't know. I swear", you said.

He looked at you for a few seconds before roughly pushing your face away. He went back towards the other men and whispered something to them.

One of his men went towards you, circling around you while deciding what to do. The other man tried to control himself as he imagined how delicious your blood would taste, although he knew he couldn't touch you without having his boss tear him into pieces.

The man who was walking around you and glanced at your neck. He smirked and roughly pulled your head back, causing you to hiss in pain.

"Maybe your little boyfriend doesn't care about you at all. I mean, if he did then why did he try to bite you?", he asked.

"He's not like any of you", you said.

He let go of your hair and stood in front of you.

"Hey boss, can I bite her? Maybe he can sense she's in trouble and will probably be here in less than a few seconds", the man asked, looking back at him.

"Hmm...didn't think about that. Fine, but you're not doing the biting. Let's see how her little boyfriend will handle watching her in pain with my venom", the boss smirked and headed towards you.

You tried pulling your hands and legs to loosen the rope but it didn't help. The man roughly pushed your head to the side and showed his fangs, leaning down as he aimed for your neck. He was inches away until he was pushed across the room.

As they predicted, Jeonghan stood in front of you, protecting you from the men. The boss chuckled evilly while standing up, fixing his shirt.

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