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"(Y/n), you're doing it wrong. Try harder!"

You were covered in sweat as your coach kept pushing you to do the choreography correctly. It's been exactly six hours, no breaks. Some of the other groups were relaxing after getting some time to practice but you were the only one in your group that kept messing up.

"Wrong. Do it again", she said, pacing back and forth.

You were having trouble breathing, mostly because you felt like a knife was stabbing you right in your side. You tried the choreography again but ended up tripping.

"Ugh, you're of no use! Do you think your group likes to be behind schedule?? And all because of you. You need to stop being lazy and keep practicing!", she yelled.

You really wanted to punch her in the face. But you couldn't or else there will be problems.

"Excuse me."

Both of you turned your head towards the voice. Your friend Jihoon was smiling but he looked upset.

"Pushing her to do a choreography this intense is exhausting her, even more since you've had her practicing for over four hours without her eating and resting. I don't like the way you're treating her. She should at least take a break so she can have enough energy to practice again. She's gonna faint and will have to be hospitalized. Do I need to report you?", he asked your coach.

Your coach cleared her throat before facing you.

"You have until tomorrow. If you're not ready by then, you'll have to be removed from the group", she said before walking away.

You sighed and sat down on the floor. Jihoon sat next to you as you steadied your breathing.

"You didn't have to do that Jihoon. You can get in trouble also", you said.

"For what? Helping you? I don't think so. Anyways, I couldn't hear her yelling at you like that any longer. Is she always like that?", he asked.

"She just wants us to succeed. Our last comeback wasn't so successful", you chuckled.

"Can I help?", he asked.

"What do you mean?", you asked.

"I can help you practice the right way. You won't forget about the choreography and you won't be as tired", he said.

"That's sweet of you Jihoon but you already practiced with your group. You'll be tired tomorrow", you said.

"I don't mind", smiled.


"Whenever you want to learn a new choreography, you have to learn it step by step. If you try to do everything at once, you'll mess up and get more frustrated. So let's just work on one part for a few minutes, Okay?", he explained

You nodded and watched him dance the first part. He did it twice and asked you to follow along. At first you struggled but he helped you. His hands on your waist caused goosebumps to form all over.

"You think you got it now?", he asked.

"I think so", you said, wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"Okay, let's try it one more time but with music", he said.

He turned on the music and gave the countdown. You were in sync with him. He's a much better teacher than your coach.

"Awesome, you did it!", he clapped.

"That's was much easier. You were right. Thanks for your help", you smiled.

You headed towards your bag and put your towel and shoes inside. You stretched before putting on your other shoes.

"Uh..so listen..there's this small zoo that just opened up. You said you really love animals right?", he asked.

"Yeah..", you said.

"Okay...do you wanna maybe..go with me?", he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Like a-..like a date?", you asked.

"Yeah...I mean only if you want to see it that way. I-It doesn't have to be a date. Although I would like for it to be but..no pressure or anything just....uh I'm rambling aren't I? Never mind. I shouldn't of put you on the spot. Sorry", he chuckled awkwardly with sad eyes, turning around to walk away from what he called 'embarrassment'.

"Wait! I'd love to go with you", you said.

"Really?", he smiled happily while lightly hopping towards you.

"Yeah..when?", you asked.

"Whenever you're free", he said.

"I'm free on Saturday", you said.

"Alright. Saturday it is. I'll pick you up at 1 since they close really early on the weekends. Is that fine?", he asked.

"It's perfect", you smiled.

"Okay...so I'll see you on Saturday then", he rubbed the back of his neck.

He turned away to walk towards the exit. You were smiling because this is your first date with someone who isn't a jerk.

"Hold up!", you called out, running after him.

"Hmm?", he turned around, cheeks slightly puffed out.

"Do you wanna get something to eat right now? Or do you have somewhere to be?", you asked.

"I don't have anything to do right now. And yes I am starving. That pizza did nothing", he said, causing you to chuckle.

You grabbed your things and headed out of the building. Once you were outside, the lights of the street caused you to feel dizzy. Jihoon had to hold you so you wouldn't fall.

"Are you okay??", he asked, obviously worried.

"Yeah I'm fine now", you huffed out a breath.

"We should get some food in you. Come on", he said, holding your hand to help you walk.


"Do you feel better now?", he asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for caring", you smiled.

"Of course", he smiled.

You arrived in front of your house. Jihoon stared at you for a bit.

"Anyways...I want to thank you again for helping me out. It really means a lot to me. If it wasn't for you. I'd probably be struggling", you chuckled.

"Anytime", he smiled.

He looked at the floor while you scratched your head, silence taking over. When you looked at him, Jihoon took that chance to give you a light peck on lips, taking you by surprise.

"Uh sorry", he awkwardly laughed.

"It's fine", you blushed.

"Okay..so I'll see you on Saturday", he smiled before turning to leave.

"Wait..aren't I suppose to give you my number?", you asked.

"Oh! Right..", he cleared his throat.

You grabbed his phone and put your number in, saving it under your name. You gave him his phone back, him thanking you afterwards.

"Please rest so you can have a lot of energy tomorrow. We don't want you fainting", he said.

"I will. And you rest too", you said.

"Thanks. Goodnight (y/n)", he smiled.

"Goodnight Jihoon."

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