Seungkwan (Pt. 3)

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A couple of weeks have passed and you still haven't gotten your memory back. You've been going out on dates with Hansol and Seungkwan. You're more comfortable around them now. There are times when it feels like deja vu but you can't figure out why.

"Want some hot chocolate?", Hansol asked, sitting down next to you on the balcony chairs.

"Thanks", you smiled as you gladly grabbed the cup from his hands.

He sat down next to you and both of you enjoyed the view. It was fall so the weather was perfect for hot chocolate.

"Uh (y/n), can I ask you something?", Hansol asked.

"Sure", you said.

" you feel about me?", he asked, a slight tint of pink showing on his cheeks and ears.

"Oh..uh..well I'm comfortable..I don't know..both you and Seungkwan are amazing and sweet people", you said.

"(Y/n), I wanna tell you something. I know by now Seungkwan may have told you that I have strong feelings for you. I really do. Every time I see you, my heart beats a bit faster. I know it's strange for you to here this. I just don't wanna hide anything that'll ruin my chance of being with you. I really hope you choose me", he said, grabbing your hand.

"I don't want to feel pressured", you laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry. Anyways, it's getting a bit cold. Wanna head inside? I've actually been working on a song, not for me to sing though. Seungkwan told me that you sing amazing. Wanna sing my song?", he asked, eyebrow raised.


"Alright. Whenever you're ready", Hansol said, sitting down in front of you.

It took you a while but you began to sing. Hansol seemed very interested since you started. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

"Wow...I didn't think you'd sound like that", Hansol said.

"Well I haven't really practiced or anything. My mom was a singer", you said.

"I know. I just didn't know you could sing. Your voice is really beautiful..not only when you sing but when you talk as well", Hansol said.

You were feeling a bit embarrassed so you looked away. His hand rest on your cheek, causing you to look back at him. His face was really close.

"(Y/n)..please choose me. I'll give you all of my attention. I just don't want to lose you to someone else", he whispered.


He pressed his lips against yours. It was different. Very gentle as if your lips were fragile.


"(Y/n), are you feeling okay? You don't have a fever do you?", Seungkwan asked as he placed his hand on your forehead.

"No I'm fine", you smiled.

Seungkwan wrapped the blanket around you and intertwined your hands together. His hand was very warm and inviting. Both of you were staring up at the sky, watching the sparkly stars.

"Why aren't you smiling then? You always smile", he said.

"I am smiling. See", you pointed to your mouth and smiled.

"That's not a genuine smile though. I know what your real smile looks like. What's wrong? You can tell me", he said, facing you.

"Well...this whole situation with my memory, I wish it didn't happen. It's making things complicated for me. Yesterday Hansol and I hung out. He was telling me how much he loves me..then he kissed me. I don't know..I just wish it was simple", you shrugged your shoulders.

"You know, when you're upset I always sing for you. Want me to do that?", he asked.

"Actually...can you do something else for me?", you asked, playing with your fingers.

"Anything", he said.

"Can you...kiss me?", you asked, feeling your face heat up.

"..I can't. There's one thing I always remember that you don't like and that's rushing things. I don't wanna force any feelings that you either don't feel yet or at all. Why are you asking?", he asked.

"I just wanna see if it's any different from Hansol's kiss. Just a kiss is all I'm asking. Help me figure this out. I don't wanna be confused", you said.

He sighed and nodded. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. It was firm but gentle. He didn't put a lot of pressure into the kiss but from those five seconds you felt a lot. When you pulled away, tears streamed down your face, your forehead against his.


"So you got your memory back?", Hansol asked.

"Yeah", you said.

"And you're choosing to stay with Seungkwan?", he asked.

"Yeah.. I love him..and he forgave me so..", you said, looking down at your shoes.

He nodded and smiled. It didn't seem like a genuine smile but you knew he didn't want you to feel bad for him.

"As long as your happy. I can't promise you that I'll be around because it will hurt to see you with him's your decision. For some reason, I had a feeling you weren't gonna choose me. I guess we were never meant to be together. Well...I hope everything goes well with your relationship", he smiled and turned away but you grabbed his wrist.

"Wait...we're fine? We're okay?", you asked.

"Yeah..we're okay", he smiled once before heading off towards the other direction.

You watched him as he disappeared into the darkness. You felt arms wrapping around your waist and a chin resting on your shoulder.

"How long were you waiting out here? You could've gone inside. Practice only lasted for an hour", Seungkwan said.

"I wasn't waiting long. Anyways, ready?", you asked, turning around to face him.

" okay?", he asked.

"Yeah..I'm okay", you smiled and intertwined your hands together and walked home.

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