Chapter Two

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 I woke up with my heart pounding. My mind kept replaying the events of the actions of the previous days and the flashback awakened me from fear. As always, I was drenched in sweat.

The sun rose from the East, the sky a beautiful mix of colors. It was the first time I have ever seen a sun rise. The first thing I have ever remembered, at least.

I picked myself up from the ground, wiping away the dirt and grass that stuck to my thighs. Wishing it would cleanse me from all the horrors, I stepped into the river.

It didn't.

My stomach growled loudly, and I knew that I need to grab food as soon as possible. I had a little money. I could spend it on satisfying my hunger. Grabbing my silver purse, I walked out of the park and into a small diner by the name of Delia's.

It was a small restaurant, with a few booths and bar seats. The color scheme was red and white, but it created a familiar tone. It created a homey air, and as soon as I entered the diner, I heard bacon sizzling and the distinct scent of coffee.

"Good morning." a server said, wiping one booth with a brown washcloth. He was young, maybe 18, and was obviously not happy to be working. His uniform consisted of a red polo and a white apron, and had brown tousled hair.

"Morning." I answered back, avoiding his eyes. Sitting down at the booth next to the one he had just finished cleaning, I looked over the menu. My stomach growled louder at every plate I read.

"Are you reading?" the waiter asked, startling me. He jumped as well, surprised at my reaction.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, while I tried to nurse my heart back to regular speed.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm ready, yes. Pancakes with bacon and Earl Grey tea please." he nodded, and quickly left the table to get away from me. I sighed, and rested my head on my hand, staring out of the clean window.

People began to walk the streets of Gotham. Most of them wore business attire, along with holding leather briefcases, a steaming cup of Starbucks and talking on their phone. Some even poured into Delia's, usually ordering coffee and a croissant.

Gotham was a large city, with towering skyscrapers and busy streets. Cars zoomed past, creating multi-colored streaks. The sun glistened off the windows, glaring straight into my eyes. I could still observe the park and the river. It sparkled in the quickly arrived morning. It, like the city, was a big park. I didn't take in my surroundings coming here, but I noticed a children's playground with small families arriving. Dog owners also happily walked around, creating an unwavering happiness in the children's hearts.

Loud footsteps echoed before me and I turned to see my waiter bringing me food. He assured to make himself known to not scare me again.

The server left the food on the booth, and even before he left to go back to the kitchen, I dug in - savoring the taste of pancakes and bacon.


Sitting at the diner, I pushed away my empty plates and placed my purse on the table. There wasn't a time for me to look through it. It was a small purse, meant to be hung diagonally over your body. It was silver, had to be folded to be clamped shut and was zippered at the top.

I slowly unzipped the bag, feeling panicked and scared. What would be in there? What if I didn't like it? Grabbing a rectangular shiny wallet, I opened it up.

Inside was a few dollars, a credit card, a couple of gift cards and a driver's license. My heart thudded, and I sincerely hoped it would be mine. Maybe it would help me regain some of my memory.

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