Chapter Thirty-Three

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Please note that this chapter has a trigger warning. This includes: violence, abuse, suicide, harrasment, etc. Please take caution when reading this book if you are sensitive to those topics. 

"It started with their first fight-" a deep voice spoke, waking me up suddenly. The room was light by the beautiful golden morning sky. My waist was wrapped tightly in someone's strong arms. I froze, unable to move.

"-or at least the first fight I heard. I was maybe 8 years old. I guess they were pissed enough at each other that they wanted an outlet for their anger. That became me. At first, it was a so-called normal abuse. You know, beating, kicking, yelling. Funny enough, they stopped fighting as much.

"But that's not what made me who I am. Abuse is pretty common and most people don't become psychopathic serial killers. I could have taken on that. I would've come out normal enough. Maybe a few petty crimes, but I remember at that time I made a pledge to never hit my future kids. I had no violent needs.

"Then, however, it started to get fun for them. I was no longer just an outlet for their anger - I was an outlet for their fun little experiments. I'm deathly allergic to bee stings. I swell up, rashes, my throat - it was to the point that during summer I'd carry an epipen with me everywhere.

"They would tie me down, inject the venom in me, and then, at the brink of me dying, give me the epipen. It was plain tortue - something I do now to my victims. I just can't let it go. They loved that tortue style. No longer did I have huge bruises to take care of and hide. It was perfect for them."

I turned my body around, facing him. The makeup was smeared, and he has a foggy look in his eye as he was living back in the past. I could feel a slight twitch in his body, and his arm wrapped around me tighter.

"See, they were preachers. The most kind people on the block. They would bake candy for the monthly PTA sales, donate the most clothing to homeless shelters. My friends would call me lucky because they were my parents. Little did they know.

"I couldn't tell anyone about it though. I did the stupidest thing in the world - I fell in love. And they knew it. As much as I tried not to bring her home, they found out. That was their way of keeping me shut. They would kill her. My girl," he tightened his grasp on me,"- they would kill my girl. I'd rather die than harm a hair on her.

"At the end of senior year, I was hopeful. I saw my way out - college. I was accepted and I could finally leave. But then, they did the worst thing I could ever imagine. I had a little sister, you see, and they rarely bothered her. I didn't mind. I didn't want her to suffer as I did. But one night, I walked in from the best date of my life, and there they were, injected the same venom I was allergic to.

"They didn't revive her in time. She died right before me as they threw her away, more worried about their image rather than the loss of their daughter. I cradled my beautiful Lucy. She was fucking six years old. Six Emmeline."

The tears started forming in his eyes, and I tried hard not to follow in those actions.

"I killed them. And to this day, I don't regret it. I feel no shame for my actions. No guilt. They deserved to die. Those fucking bastards deserved to die in the way they did. I stabbed them, listening to their cries and watching the blood pour out. It was ecstasy. But then I realized that I couldn't save myself. No one would believe that they were the parents they were. I would be labeled the killer of not only them, but Lucy.

"So I ran. I ran to the bridge. I was going to kill myself. I didn't want to live anymore. I got to the bridge, and there was no doubt in my mind. No second thoughts. Even as a I jumped off and was falling, I knew I wanted to die. I didn't even think about my beauty waiting for a text back. I wanted everything over.

"I survived. Got this kick-ass scars from a pair of sharp rocks. I wasn't supposed to survive. I was supposed to die, Em. I was supposed to get the death I wanted and deserved. But I didn't fucking get. I couldn't get what I just fucking wanted.

"And that's when I became who I am today. My parents were the good in the world. They symbolized purity and innocence in our neighborhood. And they were demons on Earth. There's no good in the world Emmeline. There's only people who pretend to be good and people who no longer try to pretend.

That's why I'm fucked up. I love to kill. I thrive on it. I thirst it. I don't give a shit if I live or die, and that's what makes me the best villain. I do everything for fun. I've become the parents I've hated."

He sighed, looking at the ceiling. I wiped the single tear rolling down on the cheek, and he chuckled.

"Don't cry for me doll. I'm a lost cause."

There was a pause.

"You know, you're not psychopathic - those people can't feel love," I stated, him looking at me with disbelief.

"You felt love for your girlfriend. You put her in front of you. You felt love for your sister. Her death wouldn't have pushed you to the edge if you didn't love her. You feel love."

I grabbed his hand, the touch shakening him.

"You might be a monster. But so am I. So are we all. You might be a villain. You might be the fear of thousands. But you're also a fucked up man who does not know what is good anymore. And for that, I don't blame you."

He stared at me, his eyes watery and red.

"And at least you did get some bad-ass scars from it," I laughed, and he responded with a chuckled.

"They are pretty sexy, aren't they?"

I reached out to touch them, his eyes never glancing away from my fingers.

"May I?"

He nodded.

His scars were surprising cold to the touch. He exhaled when my hand caressed him, but his eyes sprang to my crystal blues.

"I never told anyone this."

"I'm happy to have been here for it." I pulled my hand away from his face.

"I never let anyone touch me there either. Not after the scars at least. It feels nice."

"Thank you for letting me touch you. For letting me listen. I'm sorry for what you went through Joker. I really am. No one deserves that," I whispered, as his gaze uncovered my soul.

"I don't deserve you. You should leave. I'll let you. I won't follow you. I won't pull you back in. We'll take the credit for your murders. I'll help you hide. I'll-"

"No. I want to stay. This is where I want to be."

A small smile appeared on his lips.

"Good. I don't want you to ever leave."

I smiled back softly, brushing back his hair.

In the back of my mind, I could hear the crowing of the birds. I could hear the men downstairs clamoring, yelling at each other. I could hear the pools balls clanging against each other. I smelled the burning bacon and the fresh cut grass. I could sense the little part of sanity left in me telling myself not to inch closer to the monster.

But I didn't focus on the back of my mind.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked quickly, shocking me. With a little smile as my response, he grabbed my neck sharply and pulled me into a kiss that we had both hungered for a long time.

What a crazy chapter. I do apologize for not writing sooner. Life turned out much busier than expected and I had writer's block bad. But, THEY FINALLY KISSED?!?!? After 33 chapters lol you're welcome. Please let know what you think of this chapter! Leave comments or stars!


It was hard to write an awful backstory as this. Please know that if you are a victim of any abuse, there is a way out.

Domestic Abuse Hotline:  1−800−799−7233  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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