Chapter Thirty-One

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 There is nothing more beautiful than the sky when a sunset was happening. The clouds turned a beautiful milky white, complementing the pinkish-orange sky that stretched across the distance. The skyscrapers of Gotham mingled with the sky, placing a dark shadow over our car.

Joker's outline was black as I turned to look at him speeding through the streets. He hummed along to a song, seemingly never taking a breath. I stared at him, noticing a smile creep onto his face.

"Staring at my beauty, doll?" he asked, breathing hard with excitement.

"Something like that, you can say," I whispered, my hands shaking around this beautiful black gun Noah had given me.

I turned my head to look at the other side of the darkened window. Men and women were walking in their suits, talking on their cellphones while sipping coffee at the late hours of the evening. It was a Friday night, and most people just worried about their work.

What a boring way to live.

I sighed, my breath quavering. This was it. I was going to murder again. I was going to kill... again.

"You alright there?" Joker drawled, eyeing my with his dark eyes full of excitement. I pursed my lips, thinking of how to reply.

"I don't want to become like you."

Silence entered. Noah and the rest of Joker's ensemble were driving in cars behind us, per Joker's request.

"You're more me than I am. You just haven't found the courage yet to embrace it," he said softly, almost reassuring me. I nodded, conflicted.

I wanted to do this. That is what scared me the most.

He pulled into a small dirt patch near a large warehouse. This was familiar... this was the same place I ran from a few months ago.

We assembled outside, waiting for instruction from the man pacing in front of us.

"Emmeline, you've got the break-in covered. Crane has left you with the perfect instruments for doing so. Boys, when we get inside, we follow the plan Noah detailed for us a few hours earlier. Pete - you've brought the bomb?"

"Yes sir."

"Good man. Oh!" Joker jumped, clapping his hands, "This is going to be so much fun!" he stood next to me, pushing me towards the back door. Intricate locks detailed the door, promising to start an alarm system once tampered with.

I looked through what Crane had left me, picking out the right instruments to hack through the restrictions. As I typed on the laptop, breaking past firewalls set up, Vespa sat next to me.

"This is very impressive. You're a fast learned." he whispered.

"Honestly, I think I've done this before. It feels natural and nostalgic," I replied, pulling my hair into a bun to further compliment my 'spy-like' outfit. Black pants, black shirt. We were all dressed similarly, except for Joker who donned his routine clothing.

"I told you. You're made for this."

The computer screen turned green. I turned to face everyone else, smiling as Noah locked eyes with me.

"We're in," I said, as the men ran into the building, clapping their hands on my back. They were impressed by my skills. I was impressed by my skill.

"Alright Em, you're stuck with me." Noah smiled, holding a gun close to his chest. I laughed.

"Oh, what a shame," I teased, hitting him softly. The first shot echoed in the room that we entered - a small metal kitchen. It was a distinct shot from a distinct gun. Joker fired the first shot.

We walked around the kitchen, moving our hands along the counters trying to find the right crevice in the smooth metal. There was a switch somewhere that would open the doors to a staircase. The metal was cold to touch, but the adrenaline in me was enough to warm my body.

A shot fired from nearby, and as I turned, I saw Noah standing with smoke emitting from his gun. A large thud signified the body of a thug falling on the floor. I looked at Noah, whose eyes remained calm.

"He was about to shoot you," he said. I nodded, thanking him in silence. Suddenly, I felt a small roughage in the otherwise smooth countertop. Got it.

A door opened, revealing a small metal staircase.

"Good work Em," Noah said, rushing to the staircase. As we climbed it, I could hear the constant gunshots. I could only hope all of those were coming from our side.

The staircase ended suddenly, signifying that it was time to go through the air ducts. I opened the vent, smiling that this was going exactly as we had anticipated. I started crawling with Noah behind me.

The vents had little holes so that we could see what was happening under us. Bodies laid on the floor, underneath a pool of blood collecting. The blandness of the warehouse itself was illuminated by the flashed of gunfire.

We reached the end of the vent, and I could see the main room. It was dimly lit by a fireplace that was barely inflamed. On three velvet couches sat the two men I hated with every fiber of my body, along with another man who seemed incredibly familiar.

"That's Tony in the middle," Noah pointed out the graying man, "and those two are the goons who Joker so desperately wants dead."

"He's not the only one," I whispered.

Suddenly, the door flung over and Joker was being pushed into the room by two thugs. He was tied by a rope, guns taken away. My heart froze. I didn't think I had feelings such as this for such a monster, but the blood in my body rushing to create more adrenaline told me otherwise.

Tony stood up, pointing a gun and shooting Joker's leg. Joker grimaced in pain but quickly regained a smile.

"Is that all you've got?" he asked, laughing biting his every word.

"You're going to be dead in the next minute, don't you worry. I just want to talk for a second."

"And what about?"

"You have what we want. We need her. You took her," he said, and my breath was taken away. They wanted me?

"You can tear every nail from me, scalp me, remove my teeth. You will never get her." Joker whispered, his body tensing and he struggled against the rope.

"See, I knew that you'd say that. But I also knew you've bring her with you. You're not one to leave your pet at home. Have to show her around to the world, don't you? Now, where is she?" Tony asked, pressing into Joker's gun wound. In what should have been screams of pain, laughter filled the room.

"Like you've think I'd tell you?"

"Fine. John, kill him," Tony said, asking one of my rapists. He positioned his gun right at Joker's head.


Hope you all enjoyed and will leave a comment/vote!!

Additionally, I'd like you guys to know that the updates for this book may start to get a bit less regular. I am going on (a well-deserved) vacation with my boyfriend. Along with that, this is the last chapter I had prewritten. This means I'll have to actually start writing before posting now, so that might take a while. However, I'll try my best to be as consistant as I was. 

Enjoy summer break for those who are on it!

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