Chapter Three

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A/N: Hello! Thank you for continuing to read this! It means so much to me. 

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Dedication to @ObaeWanKenobae ! Her stories are so good!

The man towered over me, my head almost reaching his perfect shaped chin. He had wide shoulders that seemed extensively lean, capable of snapping someone in half. His white smile gleamed. His entire face was painted white, hiding almost all his features, but his eye sockets were full of black paint. The makeup reached down halfway to his neck, mixing in with his tan skin. Beneath the blank paint, he chocolate brown eyes hid an evil and menacing look. 

The worst were the jagged scars streching as a Glasgow smile, masked under a large red smile.

He wore a black leather jacket, the aroma filling the air. Underneath was t-shirt. His pants were black and I couldn't figure out if they were jeans or dress pants. His hair was a dark green, messy yet tamed on top of his head.

Most importantly, his eyes digged into my soul. His figure was intimidating, and the way he hunched his shoulders further created a heart pounding sensation.

"And who might you be - gorgeous?" his husky voice whispered in my right ear as he nearly skipped around me. I stiffened and he noticed.

His laugh was terrifying - one that could drive someone to hysterics.

"We'll get to you later." he slipped past me and crouched to face Olivia. Out of one of his pockets, he grabbed a small knife with a wooden handle. The blade was dripping in a dense silver liquid.

He grabbed her chin, pulling it closer to him. Smiling, he whispered something into her cheeks as her tears pouring over his gloves hand. Her blue eyes widened in horror and she pleaded for help.

The knife suddenly went to her throat, and the whole world seemed to freeze. I wanted to stop him, to pull the monster away from what seemed my only hope. But I couldn't. My feet felt like they were glued to the wooden floor.

She whimpered and he giggle - enjoying as he made small slits along her neck.

"You know what I love about this knife?" he asked, quickly standing up and turning to look at me. My body began to tremble, fearing what was to come.

"This poison, from the beautiful African Melee Wasp," he touched the liquid that the knife was drenched in. "Once entered in your body, will slowly kill you."

His laughter echoed mercilessly throughout the room and he played with Olivia's dark hair. She closed her eyes, praying for a miracle.

"But - ah - you know what? I'll make it a little quicker for you."

He sharply turned to her, and with great force, stabbed her in her stomach.

Olivia gasped as she feel backwards, cracking her knees. I cried and stepped forward, only to be caught by what seemed to be a henchman. She turned to me and began shaking rapidly. Her mouth began to produce white foam and her eyes ran to the back of my head.

Her shakes became more violent, as she trashed her whole body against the floor. The laughs emitted from the beast ringed in my ears as I began shedding my own tears for the stranger.

All the sudden, Olivia stopped and stared at me with dead eyes. I released a desperate cry and the man hopped to me. I tried pulling away. I struggled against another strong man's grasp and soon realized that it wasn't worth it.

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