Chapter Four

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A knock rang from the door. I stayed silent, crouched to the left side of the heavy metal door. The person behind knocked again. I waited for him to open the door. A few more moments passed before I saw the door handle twitch and then slightly turn.

My body tensed up as I saw another man step inside the room. He sported dirty blonde hair with few curls hanging down his forehead. His bright green eyes sparkled and his figure was tall and extremely lean. For a second I stalled, confused as to why he worked for the devil.

As he realized my plan, I smacked him in the skin with my foot. He cried out in pain and tumbled down. I stood up and began running away.

The hallway was large - it had endless turns and was painted a light brown. Instantly, I could differentiate between the room I was just in and the rest of the house. It was elegant, with wooden furniture and priceless paintings hanging from their seems. Brushing past a single purple vase, it fell on the ground and made a loud clatter.

I ran faster, looking for anyway out. Most of the rooms proved to be locked as I tried pulling them open. I started to get afraid. My adrenaline was diminishing and my body felt sick. However, I tried pushing on, ignoring my urge to slump down on the floor and cry.

I pushed open a large dark door and it opened silently. Inside of the room was what looked like a grand entrance of a large mansion. It was dark and gloomy, but evident that it used to be a gorgeous gem. A large chandelier hung from the handpainted ceiling of angels. Two curved staircases were on either side of me, inviting past guests to wander the halls. The windows seems to encompass two stories and allowed the bright sun to shine on the dusty floor. In front of me stood my exit.

Not even allowing myself to catch my breath, I ran straight to the run. I clenched the gold handles and tugged. Nothing. I cried in frustration and looked around.

I could break the window.

I raced to the bookcase filled with any book one could imagine. Grabbing what seemed like the heaviest book, I positioned myself to throw it where the window and the floor touched.

The book fell onto the floor as I was pushed onto the floor by a large body. My head and back hit hard against the marble ground. I struggled against the condemning force, fighting with all my urge to get out. I tried with all my strength to get out.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the brown eyes I was so afraid off. I screamed as he lifted himself of my chest and straddled me along my waist. He hands pinned down my wrists but my body thrashed, trying to get him off. His evil grin burned my eyes and the tears seeped into my open mouth.

"Where was this - ah - fire yesterday?" he asked, laughing. I screamed again and he struck me.

"Careful! You'll wake the neighbors!" giggling, he stood up. Finally free, I began pulling myself towards the window with my forearms. I knew it wouldn't work. Yet I couldn't give up. Not just yet.

He let me squirm for a few moments before grabbing my bare foot and pulling it to his hip. I was jerked forward and my nose hit the floor. I tasted blood.

Half my body dangled as he held me up but my arms were still on the ground. I continued to climb to the window as my head became light. His warm hand cupped my ankle and pulled me harder to himself. I hit my nose again and the blood dripped down my neck.

"Let me go!" I cried, kicking my legs.

"Ok!" he said and dropped my right ankle. I fell with a thud on the ground and my ankle twisted. A whimper echoed the giant hall.

I pulled up with my forearms and tried to hold onto a cobra pose. He crouched in front of me, not even slightly tired. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched me struggle to get up and I felt the fire rekindle itself in me.

With a slight poke to my left shoulder, I fell again, hands sprawled. He stepped on my left fingers slightly with his black dress shoes. I looked up at his haunting 6 foot 3 figure and felt dizzy. However, my eyes never left his dark ones.

My free hand tried to push his right leg out of the way, but I knew that my little strength was nothing compared to his rock leg. His shoe pushed deeper into the ground, slowly crunching my fingers. I screamed for the third time and he laughed.

"I guess - ah - your previous room wasn't the best suit for you." he lifted his foot. I was picked up, and he tossed half of my broken body over his back. I kicked him in the chest with my good foot and my right fist pounded into his firmed back. My other hand was turning purple on the spot and the blood from my nose was dripping on the floor as he walked up the stairs.

He smacked my bottom roughly, pushing me forward.

"We can get feisty later Doll. I wouldn't mind." he chuckled as he walked the dark hallways.

"Don't call me Doll." I hissed and I felt his body stiffen for a second. He stopped to grab something in his pocket and then fumbled with the door handle. I squirmed in his grip, but my eyesight was blurred and I wanted to vomit.

He opened a door and took me inside a large grey painted room. The bed had dark green covers with two black pillows. On the floor lay a fuzzy purple rug and the window curtains were the same color. On both both of the side tables were purple vases, but neither were filled. On the right were two doors - one locked and the other opening up to a bathroom.

He tossed me on the bed and I hit my head hard on the wooden mantle post. I could only see his figure as he walked to me - everything else was a blurry mess. My ears rang, echoing the hideous laughter that I couldn't get out of my head.

The man placed his hand on my cheek and I bit the skin near his pinkie. He cried slightly, retorted to laughter and smacked my head.

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