Chapter Six

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When a man entered the room, I fully expected Noah. He had been coming and going for the past few days as I fell in and out of consciousness. My stomach turned in a knot when the white painted demon skipped towards the bed. I watched him as he laid down on the covers and put his hands, with the elbows sticking out, under his heavy head. He closed his eyes and looked as though he was falling asleep.

"What are you doing?" I asked, afraid to defend my territory. His brown eyes snapped open

"What do you mean, "What are you doing?" I'm simply sleeping in my bed." he said happily. The corners of his mouth were turned, ready to break into a sadistic laugh.

"This is your bed?" I whimpered, wanting to curse myself. My heart froze and the tears began flowing. He did sleep here. This was his bed. I was laying in his bed.

I quickly tried to run of it, but his hand grasped my wrist in a split second. The force pulled me closer to his chest.

"And - ah - what do you think you're doing?" he asked. I tried to push out of his grasp. His hand curled over my fingers and gave a little squeeze. I cried out in the pain of my bruised knuckles and kicked him in the shin. Pain seared through my hurt ankle, but it didn't matter.

He flipped me over so he sat on top. Pinning my wrists against the pillow, I couldn't move. His body was to heavy to over-turn. I panted as he flicked out a strand of hair from his face.

"Let go of me." I pleaded.

"You know, you are really hard to figure out. One minute, you wanna have death knocking at your door, and the second, you - ah - fight for your life."

A tear ran down my cheek and he lifted his long index finger to wipe it. As soon as it came to contact with my skin, I turned my head.

He grabbed my chin forcefully and made me face him.

"I'm just trying to be nice." he said matter-of-factly. I looked at his eyes and was shocked by the lack of evil. They weren't the same eyes that beat me relentlessly. They looked tired. Human. Even his make up was fading slightly, as I could see the pink of his lips and the small stubble outlining his jawline.

Snapping out of it, I retorted, "I don't want anything from you. You -" I fumbled, trying to find the exact word that described him. It didn't seem like there was one.

"Joker." he said, letting me go and returning to his original position. I squirmed.

"Why am I here? Let me go." I said again, my knees curled up in a fetal position. I wrapped my arms around me, hugging myself. He noticed my small cry and I felt him shift.

"And ruin the surprise?" Joker laughed to himself and the sound reminded me of the cruel person he is. I continued to sob quietly job as both he and I fell asleep.


I clenched the door handle and twisted. It was locked. Damn.

Why was I surprised that he had locked me in? For whatever reason he was desperate to keep me. The wheels in my head turned, trying so hard to figure out what I had done to him. Something in my past had to tie me to the demon. As if I knew anything.

I shook the handle again but nothing happened. Turning around, I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I could feel the grease coursing through the golden locks. There was a bathroom here, but did I really want to risk it?

I eyed the cracked open door that lead to the bathroom and decided that I didn't have anything else to do.

The bathroom was beige, with a marble counter and double sinks. A vintage tub sat in the middle of the room, on top of a white rug and dark hardwood floors. The shower was aligned against the wall and seemed so inviting.

Emmeline [Joker X OC]Where stories live. Discover now