Chapter Eight

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The kitchen was small and dark. I sat on a wooden chair as Noah scrambled eggs. Against my head was a pack of ice. The bruise had began shrinking and yellowing after a few days passed. I hadn't seen him since.

Noah sat a full plate in front of me and the seat across. He sat down and we both began to eat.

"Looks better." he said, as I placed the ice pack on the table. I nodded.

"You don't trust us, do you?" Noah asked and I gave a harsh laugh.

"Trust you? You believe that I will ever trust you?" I cried, disbelief flourishing. Noah chuckled.

"Well, if we were to kill you, wouldn't you be dead or dying by now? How do you know that those eggs aren't poisonous?" he asked. I put down my fork, recoiling. Noah rolled his eyes.

"They aren't!"

I chewed on the inside of my lip as he ate his eggs. Hunger got the best of me, and I soon chowed down the rest of my breakfast. With a large burp, Noah stood up and gathered the plates. I helped, grabbing the glass that once held coconut milk. He washed the dishes and I leaned against the counter, pressing the ice pack back on my forehead.

"I think it's time." he smirked, looking into my eyes. His green ones spoke warmth and kindness. But I wasn't ready to trust it.

"Time for what?" I asked.

"Well, how long have you been here for now?" Noah asked. I shrugged, losing track of counting.

"About 2 weeks. And guess what? Vespa hasn't killed you. So that means you're stayin', whether you like it or not."

"Don't remind me." I snapped. Every night, before falling asleep, I prayed to be woken up from this Hell. I prayed to God. I prayed to Allah. I prayed to anything that would listen. But those prayers were only answered to further captivity and distress. I screamed in the shower and cried myself to sleep.

"I think it's time you see is in action." he noted, and I looked at him.

"What? In action?"

"Yeah. You know. Maybe some sort of a low-risk bulgary. To let you become 'ccustommed to what we do." I stared daggers at Noah.

"You believe that I want to watch you rob people? To watch you beat innocents? To murder? Because I sure as hell don't."

He walked close me few, a few inches from my face.

"I don't kill people." he stressed every words, enunciating his usually slanged dialect.

"Really? Because you work for an insane serial killer."

"Do you think I have a choice?"

I stood quiet and watched him stare at my blue eyes. He was serious and didn't waver the look. I felt him picking my soul apart, trying to dedress who I was. I was also curious about the man who called himself Noah Atkinson. Who was he? Why was he here?

Those two questions were so simplistic it seemed almost cliche to ask. However, they explain a character impeccably. I couldn't judge anyone without the reasons why. Because they shouldn't do that for me.

I licked my dry pink lip and broke the silence.

"So what burglary are we talking about?"


"Why are we bringing gun then? If Krenton's has simple alarms?" I asked. Joker chuckled. He was leaning against the brick fireplace under the television, wearing only black pants and a loose white collar shirt. I sat on the couch next to Noah. Although I haven't felt safe since I can remember, Noah gave a certainty of stability and I needed that. I tried to distance myself from the monster across from me.

"Because people are unpredictable." he cocked his head to the side and smiled. "Like me!"

"We've had an outcome where we came unprepared. They had guns. We didn't. It didn't turn out well. Lost one of our men." Michael groaned, remembering a strong memory. His short stature would seemingly make him stout, but he was fit, which jet black eyes and hair, and a yellow complexion. I swallowed and nodded.

I was proceeding to go to a life-threatening operation, and so openly. I didn't hinder to stop them from taking me. I enlisted it. I asked for it. And I might not come back to this room. My mind continued to race. Would that be so bad to not return? To not return to the place I seldom felt not scared?

"The alarm system will be quick. The safe - not so much. Especially since they have the code in there. But get that. Money is not the main focus. I need that code." Joker messaged his right shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You aren't going?"

"No doll. I'm not stuck with this messy business. I do the more. . . fun things. Like murder."

I winced, remembering that he had cameras positioned all over the house. He heard me. He knew I called him an insane serial killer.

Joker chucked, seeing my fear grow in my eyes.

"What? Going to miss me?"

"We should get going. Now's the least time susceptible to triggering the alarm." Noah said, standing up. I began following him until Joker caught his arm.

"Take care of her." I heard whispered softly. I looked at Joker, and in his brown eyes, he held compassion for the first time. I pursed my lips, confused by the individual. He looked from Noah to me and caught me staring. I quickly shifted my glance from the killer and walked out of the room.

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