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"You found them," I mumbled to him. He looked at me and nodded.

"I told you doll. I will get them for you." he looked into my eyes, pressing his body closer to mine. I could feel the warmth of his chest on mine, and I realized how I no longer shook with his touch.

"I'm coming to the heist. I want to fucking kill them all," I whispered to him. He grasped me by my waist with one hand, hitching me closer.

"We need to stop pushing each other against the walls and stop lingering our lips," he moaned in my ear and my heart fluttered like crazy.

"I like this. Pushing is so-" I paused to raise my mouth against his ear and I felt a small shudder run through him, "animalistic."


Uber sexy?

That green hair?


Um, heck yes I'm talking about the Joker!

Hello! This little bit is far later in the story, but I wanted to give you all a tease of what's coming!

This book is full of action, crying, violence, theft, and a whole lot of Joker (who doesn't like a very unhealthy dose of our favorite main man?) I try to spare all of you the hassle of reading poor grammar/spelling, but please let me know if I missed anything!

I'll be fairly consistant with updates, and 100000% plan on finishing the story. It makes my day knowning people are reading this and enjoying, so please feel free to leave a comment or vote! 

I hope you enjoyed this and will continue reading! Please give this story a chance! Hopefully I can impress all of you lovely readers!

Emmeline [Joker X OC]Where stories live. Discover now