Chapter Ten

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I sat on the bed, looking at the wall. My back ached from the stiff position.

The adrenaline rush.

I felt it. I felt my heart pound during the robbery. If I thought about it, my hands shook. I remembered the giant wave of energy coursing my body. It empowered my body, allowing me to do anything. The strength of the world seemed to be in my hands.

But strangely of all, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed breaking in. I enjoyed helping and solving the puzzle.

I enjoyed the sounds of guns blasting.

The door opened.

Joker walked in with a happy prance. He carried a small bag with him and bounced onto the bed next to me. My body tensed up and I refused to look him in the eye. He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to face him.

He was tired again. Worn. I was shocked when he let go of my chin and opened the bag to reveal some medicine and bandages. He rolled up my left sleeve to my shoulder gently and looked at my graze.

Dried crimson blood engulfed my entire upper arm. As it slightly shifted, I felt pain escalating to my brain. I winced softly as he ran his fingers across my wound. I didn't want him near me. I was scared. Scared to be hurt more. I tried to control my breathing, but all it sounded was little staggered breaths.

He took out an alcohol wipe. He told me in a low husky voice that it would sting a little.

As he wiped it across the graze, I wanted to scream. The pain was barely tolerable. Tears rose in my eyes, and I bit my bottom lip, drawing blood.

I looked at his face, trying to distract myself. His eyebrows were furrowed as he worked on cleaning up the bloody arm. He held an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't make out. The bottom lip was slightly inward, like he was nibbling on the inside of it. The makeup was faded and his hair was messy.

What scared me the most was the fact he looked so humane. He didn't look different than any other man. In this moment, he wasn't terrifying. He didn't look like a killer. I felt my heart pound faster.

This made me fear him more. It made me fear humanity more. He was a man. He wasn't a different species. He was the same as me. We all had the potential to tumble down to his level. We all could become monsters.

He pulled out a tube and squeezed a dollop of it into his palm. As he worked it into my arm, I felt a cold relief. He messaged it around the wound and slightly applied the medicine into the wound. I clenched my teeth, but the content felt helpful.

He pressed a white cloth against the wound, and grasped my elbow to immobilize my arm. A beige bandage was carefully but tightly wrapped, his hand working nimbly.

The entire time I stared at him, my mouth slightly open. When was he going to hit me? When was he going to threaten me?

The bed creaked as he stood up and placed the bag onto his dresser. I watched his tired walk into the bathroom and as he closed the door. My other hand worked its way to the bandage and shook.

That wasn't nor couldn't be Joker. That was a man.

I slipped under the warm covers and turned my back to the bathroom door. My left arm ached less, but felt awkward in the bandage. I placed my heavy head on the soft pillows, glancing at the mirror.

My face looked pale but clear from bruises. I had large bags under my eyes, and a small nick on my chin. The blue eyes nearly burned through the mirror with fear. My full lips trembled slightly and I tasted my salty tears. I had just washed my golden hair in the sink with my right hand, and it shined in the moonlight from the window. Some stands tickled my face, but I didn't have the energy to move them.

I looked helpless. But more than that I looked tired. Broken.

I felt the bed move again and he slipped under the covers as well. Immediately I stiffened my body once more, fearing him.

He placed a light hand over my tiny waist and pulled himself close to my body without actually touched his chest to my back. I felt the warmth radiating from him and my heart pounded immensely.

I looked in the mirror and saw him glancing at it as well. Our eyes locked for a second and I realized he carried the same expression I did. He was broken.

I averted my eyes to look at the floor. A few seconds later, I returned my gaze. His eyes were closed and his mouth carried a slight smile. As I continued to stare, his chest rose more heavily with each breath. His cheeks twitched from time to time.

As I closed my eyes, I heard his quiet breaths. His grip on me tighten a little.

He was asleep.

The last thing I saw in my mind were his eyes before I too, fell asleep.

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