Chapter Seven

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"And the best room." he said, opening a dark door and letting me enter first. It was large, with a big black leather couch facing a flat screen television. On my left was a bar with three felt bar stools and on my other side was a pool table. It was painted the same color as the bathroom and had the faint smell of cigars. I'm

Dr. Craner sat in the back, reading a purple book. Behind him, I could see a door leading to an enormous library. I craned my neck trying to see more but talking distracted me.

"Boss wants us to go to Jackal's today." Noah told a broad shouldered man who held a menacing scowl. He wrinkled his dark-skinned nose and sat down an ice cold beer.

"Damn it. Ain't we gone yesterday?" he asked in a low voice. Noah shrugged and jumped onto the leather sofa. The man turned his glance onto me and looked me over.

"Now now." a husky voice rasped from behind me, freezing my entire body. I stared directly into the flat screen playing a news broadcasting. I tried to enter the world of the beautiful news anchor. She talked about the new marathon taking place in a couple days flawlessly. As much as I tried, I couldn't teleport myself to the safe haven. Instead, a hand touched my shoulder. I flinched and shook it off.

Joker walked toward the man in front of me and I saw his triangular back. His hair was slightly tousled.

"Questioning my orders?" he asked, walking around the man. I could see the glistening of sweat on his square forehead and the slight shaking of his hands, just like mine.

"No Boss. Not at all." he quivered. The man was taller than Joker and much heavier. He would be able to take him on in a few seconds and be able to win in a fight. Yet the obviously fear in his eyes told me that Joker was someone that couldn't be taken down.

"Well that's funny. I thought I heard you-" Joker took a moment to lick his lips. "disobeying me. And you know what happens when people do that, right, Leonard."

The man stiffened and his eyes widened. Joker laughed and I shuddered at the hysterical sound.

"They die."

Joker shoved a knife deep into Leonard's chest and he made a gasping noise. I jumped, almost reaching for him. He fell onto the floor and began twitching the same way Olivia had. His throat gargled and foam began seeping out.

His head rolled limp onto a side and stared at me with dead eyes.

Joker spun on his heel and turned to face me.

"What are you doing?" he asked, almost in a casual way. My chest heaved up and down and he smirked.

"Aw isn't that cute? Little girl is scared of me." his voice turned, as if he was talking to a little puppy. I peered into his eyes and was mesmerized by how - joking - they were.

"Yes. I am scared of you." I said, trying to keep my voice steady and clear. He furrowed his eyebrows and smiled. I refused to let go of my glaze.

"You're just gonna admit it? Just like that?" he asked, spinning back around and taking a slug of the beer that Leonard had. I shuddered behind his back and wiped away the single tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"Why not? I'm deathly afraid of you. I'm afraid for my life."

He spun again and cocked his head. A smile was plastered on his face. We held a long stare, our eyes mixing in fear and curiosity.

"Noah!" he cried suddenly, startling me. Noah looked from the couch, unfazed from what had happened. I looked back to the Doctor and realized he hadn't even lifted his head once. However, the other man that was talking to Leonard before his death was cowering in his small frame.

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