Chapter Twenty-Four

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I walked out of the house, and was automatically hit with the fresh air. Kneeling down, I tightened the black shoe lace of the Nike's that Noah gave me. They let me out for a run. Alone. They let me out alone.

I began stretching on the ground, looking around. The house in which we all resided in was enormous. It held a Victorian look to it, and was covered in luscious green vines. The brick was a musky beige, and you could barely see through the windows. That was surprising to me. From inside the house, you could see the outside perfectly.

The street was full of houses similar to that. On the opposite side, an old lady walked her small white dog. They both looked comfortable in their surroundings, not worrying about anything. This must be a very safe neighborhood. I frowned slightly. What was Vespa doing here?

The old lady looked at me, and smiled.

"Hello dear! Haven't seen you around. Are you new here?" she asked in a gentle tone. I looked both ways before crossing the street.

"I guess so. I live in that house. Number -," I turned to look at the number,"-Number 354." The old lady chuckled slightly. Her graying ringlets fell on her face.

"Don't know the number yet? You must be a recent resident. Such nice boys in there, huh?" she asked, looking at the house with an admiring look.

"Nice boys?" I questioned. She looked at me with a curious face.

"Well, yes! Of course you'd know that already. That Bradley can help me change the light bulbs in my house any time. He's such a darling," she doted.


"Maybe I'm thinking about the neighboring house. I'd assume you'd know your own housemates. Oh dear, your memory really does fade as time progresses. Never mind me, dearie. Nice to have met you. Have a good run!" she smiled at me, and I tried to smile back.

"Nice to have met you as well. Thanks." the old lady began to walk away swiftly, and my eyes remained trained on her as she left my view. Bradley?

I cleared my throat, and turned the opposite way. As I quickened my pace into a run, I felt euphoria begin in my body. I must have been a runner before. There was something so natural about running. It felt as though I've done this all my life.

As my foot hit the pavement, the sun disappeared from the sky. It turned gloomy and murky in a split second. The wind picked up, howling against my ears. I shuddered and increased my pace.

"Emmeline!" I heard a voice call through the sky. It was familiar, but none of the guys that I've been with recently. I stopped quickly and turned around, looking for the source of the call. No one was in sight.

Continuing running, I figured that it was but a figment of my imagination. The wind was loud, and I was positive that I could have just deciphered it's howls wrong. My heart rate has slightly increased by now, and my breath was hitched. It felt wonderful to be free to run.

I was surprised by the trust Joker had in me. He even told me to go on the run. I wouldn't have expected it. I guess there wasn't much of a place for me to go. I was alone without them. I was stuck in their world, with no escape.

Where could I run to? There was no place for me to live. Joker's house was the only place I knew that I wasn't in mortal peril, or in danger by the cops.

A scream erupted, and I fell onto the floor, shocked by the sound. The pavement rubbed against my bare elbows, but I didn't exclaim in pain. My heart was beating as fast a hummingbirds by this point, and there was no way in which I could be making this up. That scream was real.

"Hello?" I yelled out. Silence followed. My breaths were unsteady as my eyes scanned the entire horizon, looking for the girl who screamed. She was nowhere to be found. My elbow was bleeding freely, and judging by the small pool of blood collecting, as was my head.

My vision began to encompass giant black masses, eliminating the street. I was losing my sight. The blackness eradicated things closer and closer to me as the wind howled louder. I shut my eyes, fearful. 

O.O What do you think happened?! Let me know in the comments! Please vote and feel free to share :)

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