Chapter Fifteen

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I pressed the trigger and the shot echoed around the room. The rebound threw me back a little and I felt myself press close to Noah. He groaned slightly, and I placed the gun onto the counter. He let go of my arms and looked at the target. I could feel my body absent of the warmth almost immediately.

My golden hair was slicked back into a ponytail that swinged with step I took. Just leaving Noah in the arena made me feel powerful. After almost two weeks of training with the gun, and through many bruises and sore pulsating in my arms, I could finally shot the target, straight.

Noah was impressed with me.

"You're a fast learner, aren't you?" he asked, gleaming. He wiped a sweat seeping down my bare shoulders. I found a tank top in Vespa's dresser.

Shrugging, I told him, "Must be a good teacher."

Noah laughed. something that I have gotten used to over the days. It was a soulful laugh, one that pulled my lips into a smile as well. He seemed happy - safe. However, my mind told me no. Told me to stop being entranced in his smile. That no one was safe.

I slammed down against the crimson wall wall and pulled my legs close to my body, resting my head against them. However much Noah tried to feed me, my body grew smaller everyday. I was weak. I was fragile.

My lips quivered past the thin fabric of the black pants and felt the warmth of my knee. The area became quickly wet from the tears that were flowing from my eyes.

I scared myself.

The gun in my hand felt so good. It was comfortable. Every bang that circulated the arena made my heart leap and adrenaline course my body. I found myself wanting more. Wanting moving targets instead of still ones. I wanted to get out and practice. I wanted to shoot.

My heart pounded against my chest and I tried to regulate my breathing. All my breaths came out short and staggering and I further buried my head in my chest, trying to suffocate myself.

I didn't work.

The muscle that worked least was my brain. It was completely jumble and sporadic. I fought with myself to keep my sanity. To keep hoping there was a way out of this Hell. I could hear Vespa's laughter following me around and his cold eyes looking over my body. I couldn't think normally anymore. Those eyes. That smile. My hand reaching for the gun. The bullet piercing the air. Edwards dead body laying peacefully on the ground.

I muffled a scream, making a crying noise and hit my head to the back of the wall. My hands shook as his dead face kept circling my mind.

Why'd you kill me, Emmeline?  his voice wrapped itself around me, and I held my ears, on the verge of screaming. I was rocking back and forth. trying to dispel his spirit from mine.

Emmeline, you're the monster. You little heartless bitch. Why'd you kill me dammit? the voice roared louder in my head. I sobbed, not knowing the answer. My cries were loud and all come back to me as the hallways was small.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, on the verge of what would be seen as a seizure.

Edward's voice laughed coldly in my mind. He was there, fully knowing the pain and sorrow I felt for his murder. My mind was against my own self. I wanted to see myself crumble down from the remorse. I was already slipping.

His dead body visited my mind again, and I could see the red blood pushing out from his head. The air was thick and smelled delicious from the cooked fish. I could almost hear the blood hitting the floor, staining the dark wood. I could almost taste the the rusty flavor of it.

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