Chapter Eleven

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"We have to get her that gun." Noah stood against the fireplace, with his arms crossed. Joker grumbled.

"Right. So she can shoot us. Or worse, herself."

I sat behind the cracked door. A light blue shirt laid loosely against my cleaned chest. My hair was matted against the wall as I pressed closer to the gap.

"She almost died," Noah argued. I was shocked. Did they trust me enough to actually let me carry a gun?

"Right. I do recall. What happened to keeping her safe?" Joker rounded to him, and suddenly, even with Noah's tall stature, he seemed short. Joker's dark eyes grew full and evil. His first punch landed in Noah's stomach, and he fell to the ground with a cry of pain. I watched Joker kick him with force, yet I couldn't tear myself from the hate in his eyes.

He turned on his heel and noticed me standing in the doorway. Joker walked swiftly to me and yanked my left arm, pulling me to the right hallway. I screamed in pain from my wound. His laugh echoed in the hallway, and he turned into the common room. He pushed me onto the couch and I fell onto my stomach. My arm throbbed and tears streamed down my face.

He paced in front of me. I turned around and sat on the couch, shaking.

Joker knelt in front of me and cupped my cheek. I avoided his eyes and he pinched my cheek. I grimaced.

"What? Don't want to look at me? I am a beut, doll," he chuckled, slapped my wounded arm. I cried, pulling myself away from his grasp. His eyes burned with fire, but he stood up again, taking his usual spot by the fireplace.

I curled up in a ball on the couch as he observed me. When I looked at him after a minute, I saw that his anger dead down and he carried his usual look - one that could murder.

"Do you want a gun?" he asked coldly. I pursed my lips as he licked his.

"I-I don't know."

"Do you need one?" Joker rubbed the right side of his jaw.

"When I go again, I'd feel safer to carry one, yes." I said, squeaking my voice. He raised his eyebrow and laughed.

"When you go again?" he rose his voice and smiled delightfully. My heart rate increased at an instant, scared of his mood swings.

"Does my doll like our criminal behaviors?"

I sat still. I couldn't let him win. I couldn't let him know I - felt - something during the robbery. The adrenaline. The excitement. The way I wanted to do more.

He walked behind me and tapped my on the head.

"I heard you were quite the thinker. Cracked the code within seconds. We really need someone who's not a dumbass when I'm not there," he sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, careful again of the wound.

"Never," I hissed. His face drew closer to mine until his red lips hovered under my ear. My breaths quivered.

"You don't want to obey me? I can make terrible things happen," his voice was low and it sent vibrations throughout my body. I felt as though he could hear my heartbeat.

His warm lip brushed on my skin and I made a quiet moan. He pulled back his head and leaned against the arm of the couch. I released the breath I didn't know I held.

"Who shot you?" he asked, unphased. I cleared my throat before speaking, scared to let him see the effect the kiss left me.

"A cop."

"Didn't Noah inject you with Craner's needle?" he asked, a wicked smile on his face.

"Yes. But the cop threw crack at me. He easily saw me," I explained, nervously eyeing him. Vespa was taken aback for a mere second but regained his composure back easily.

"Crack you say? Isn't that something else," he mumbled some words to himself before chuckling.

"I think he - the man who owned the shop also ran an underground crack business," I noted, thinking about the cop randomly pulling the substance from thin air.

"And I believe the cops know. Where it is."

This made Vespa look at me with amusement and curiosity.

"Really? Questioning the authorities, now, are we?" he returned to his former position with his arm slung over my shoulder. His fingers found them playing in my hair, and I tried to forget the pleasure it gave me.

"No," I said. He violently pulled my hair. I gasped and rubbed my scalp as he let go.

"Lying is bad for you doll. That's what so many people do. They teach - no - they preach, saying lying is awful! But that's the most common sin in man, you know that, beautiful? Hypocrisy rules the world."

I thought over his words but the sudden touch of his lips on my neck again made me forget my train of thought.

I gasped and felt his lips curl into a smile. I stood up quickly, prying away from his hungry lips. He sat in the couch lazily and his laugh echoed the room.

"Don't touch me," I threatened unintimidating. He rose and placed his hands on my waist. I struggled under his grasp but didn't have the strength to pull out. He was about a head taller than me, although I was a tall girl. His shoulders were wide and strong, keeping me locked in his arms.

"Don't tell me what to do. You are mine," he growled to me. I clenched my eyes, afraid of any physical abuse. He let go of my body and as I opened my eyes, I saw him leaving.

"Go see Noah. He'll teach you to use the gun. Until next time, doll."

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